The solid form looks a lot like the clots the undertakers are pulling out of dead bodies 😯

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This Rumble video will show you the clots being produced in realtime.

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Nasty shit

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Bechamp saw the same thing in 1850's - what was the cause back then? To me it doesn't matter who the video was created by but what it shows and the cause is the most important thing.

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That video isn't showing the birth of the spike protien as Young claims. He didn't produce the work and has no idea what he's talking about. It is showing microzymas in the blood

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Intracellular calcium is a big problem, especially as it leads to more inflammation from EMF. Why magnesium can't hurt: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/how-flu-is-an-electrical-illness#%C2%A7the-calcium-connection

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Vitamin K2 is good to put Ca back into bones. Not sure about heart, and any other places you mention. Magnesium needs to be balanced in this equation. Most of us get sufficient Ca from diet, NO NEED to supplement.

D3, Mg and K2 all work in synch, I take them every day, but K2 every second day, and a fairly large amount of Mg.

I’m not a medical professional, just saying what I do. Do your own research, etc.

I do agree that most upper resp. tract infection “epidemics” are linked to increases in radio waves, as per your article.

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Thank you so much rrodynmac for checking out the article! I'm a huge fan of K2 as well. Have you ever heard of the work of Weston A Price? K2 was a vitamin that Dr. Price noticed all healthy indigenous people had in the form of fermented food and organ meats, and he called it activator X.

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Hi Roman-I haven’t heard of Weston A Price. Sounds interesting. Indigenous people of where? The fermentation of food sounds right though!

No worries about checking out your article. Sometimes I have time and look at links, sometimes I just don’t! But right now, I’m off to bed, for a nice long sleep!

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I think Price studied the diet of people somewhere in Africa.

There is a website, the Weston Price foundation. Lots of info online about his work.

Presoaking or fermentation of nuts, beans, seeds, and grains is part of the findings - to improve calcium absorption and ratio with phosphorus, and the importance of vitamin D and K2.

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Boron trace mineral is essential in getting Ca into the bones! Missing link. Also K2 is necessary. Taking Ca and Mg without the Boron and K2... won't work out as well for you.

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I don’t take Ca, but why is boron necessary? I take K2, though.

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Unfortunately, OTC magnesium is encapsulated in hydrogel.

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I like baths or footsoaks, with magnesium chloride or sulfate salt.

Bypasses any issues with poor gut absorption.

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Yup I’m a fan of Epsom salts but people need to beware of the salts that are coated in chemicals.

Reminds me of selling processed “health foods.”

Same gimmick.

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Is it? What brands? I take Natures Way-Australian brand-made in Aus, but it says film coated tablets. Could that be hydrogel?

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Nature Made is one that is coated in a huge bubble of rubber, totally unnecessary, impractical and more expensive to produce and ship.

So why do it?

Hmmm 🤔....

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Do they think people won’t notice? Ha!

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People probably do notice but don’t connect the dots and then acclimate to the change.

Eventually, that becomes (the new) normal.

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I may have replied to the wrong person, this is a message to Vintage 🙂

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So the theory of "shedding' to people who were never injected with the mRNA vaccine is challenged by cross-domain bacteria (hydrogel) - a known fallout of geoengineering reported by Carnicom in 1999. The predisposition of CDB in the body and/or blood plus the mRNA vaccine produces a synergy of toxic, inflammatory responses.

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So some regular bacteria were converted by some mad scientists into modified living beings (sorts of microbes called CDB) capable of reproducing and producing polymers (research going on for more than 30years). These microbes were massively deployed on us for some reason (not the matter here) . Did I get it right?

Microscopists show images of the end result of this process, the internationally massive contamination in blood by hydrogels in 3 states. But the engineered frankenstein microbes producing it are not visible on the slides. There is something I'm not understanding. Also how does the nanotec fit in this picture? And where is the software hiding?

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Nanotech-yes-a very important consideration I reckon.

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I can't find the published study, where is the study that states that?

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So drinking alcohol is a bad idea?

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I was wondering the same thing, does having alcohol from alcoholic drinks in the blood a risk factor contributing to the phase change of this material? Scary proposition...

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I think this would have come up by now, but not sure, as I have replied to Toni’s question below.

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'Solutions such as acetone and alcohol can induce a phase change, changing a liquid into a solid'

Would ingested alcohol solidify the hydrogel at all.

Sorry if this is a dumb question.

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Maybe our body temperature is too high for this to happen? Just exploring possibilities…..

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Toni, I read the article again, Clifford seems to be talking about experiments outside the body, but if this could happen inside us, I just don’t know. I’m not qualified to answer your question I’m afraid.😟

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Oh, now I see! I don’t know for sure, but I don’t think that would happen in our body. I really should read the article again, but I’m off to bed soon.

It’s not a dumb question! I personally think there are no dumb questions, especially at this stage of the “game”. Maybe a couple of dumb questions, but I don’t discount anything.

Alcohol certainly gets into our blood quickly, but I think he means out of the body. Maybe someone else can help out here!! I hope you get an answer Toni.

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1. Cu, or copper is anti bacterial like silver is. 2. we all have the CBD if it is being geo sprayed (which I think likely), 3. some may resistant due to their body Ph and general toxin/EMF exposure (I think EMF 'activates' this more... and lastly, they plan to use the neural lace on all of us as well. Generally experimenting at will on humanity with no 'antidote' that I can see. Just mitigation now people, and prayer and a few 'lucky' breaks like Na Citrate, Borax Water/Boron and essential oil of oranges (dissolves ploystyrenes)... micro plastics are every where now too.. so ... perfect storm. This is not to my mind a human technology, this is very very diabolical and evil... and alien to human/Earth biology and even evolution. It will kill them off as well ... but then again, they are psychopathical, suicidal, and bent on anhilation of all life too.

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If it were true that they sprayed it, everyone had those fibers in their blood, and that is not the case.

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They’ll have their contingency plans!

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Clifford, very interesting. I've read lots of literature on this. In solution, Fe2+, Mg2+, Cu1+, and Ca2+, will contribute to crosslinkages. The Cu1+ catalytic enzyme is in polymer form.

Apparently the hydrogel will not form in the presence of Cu2+, or Co2+. Whilst in solution.

Click Chemistry it's called. Something you might want to consider.

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This is a fascinating hypothesis that could explain some of my findings - continuous motion of CDB in blood smears 2 weeks after slide preparation. Congregations of CDB produce hydrogel, thus providing the liquid medium for motility while the rests of of the slide is static. Could you please comment on the motility of CDB - I called them KAMS (Kinetically Active Micro Structures - purely descriptive placeholder). Looking forward to you comment. Including a video of 10-day old slide off human blood. https://lenbermd.substack.com/p/day-10-in-the-life-of-dead-blood?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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Dr. Ber,

Here are some cases where first reports of motility were made. They date back to 2002, 2004, 2010, and 2014.





to find this type of information (it is deep in the library) you can use the search box (e.g, "motile") as stated on:


and then once you find any papers of interest, you would do a text search within that paper for the term. Motile reference/observation over the years comes up these four times in my search. I hope this helps to start the questioning process. Motility, as are most issues, is another involved topic with the CDB and the references here are only limited observations stated along the course of research. Best regards, from Clifford

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Deeply appreciate the response. Will be reviewing the articles. I think hydrogel is the preferred matrix for synthetic biology, and your hypothesis illuminates one of the origins of it in the human body. This explains so much of my observations that I was dumbfounded about. Thank you for your contribution to save the human race!

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That hydrogel has nothing to do with the PEG hydrogel in vaccines. Do not confuse.

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