Thank you for your continued dedication to meticulously documentation, research and experimebts CliffordπŸ™πŸ˜Š

In respect of legal collaboration, I would be contacting Interest of Justice (They are on Substack), Aaron Siri Esq., ICAN-Informed Consent Network formed from Del Bigtree/Aaron Siri and Co. Tom Renz Esq. and Jeff Childers Esq. (Last one from Coffee and COVID Substack) They are tackling various angles between them, and i think are now ready (since the "contamination" issue has finally surfaced), to deal with the concept of global, long term, systematic experimentation, with uninformed consent. But i woud strongly recommended YOUR work be used as the case making. The more recent work of some others, gets too distracted by the "evil" of the situation, and religious connotations, that detracts from the serious consideration of evidence. Respectfully, but bluntly, pure dispassionate and clinical science is needed, not (justified) emotion, theology or existential speculation.

The nanotechnology, and it's extended bionanopathology industry, are massive, billion (personally I think trillion) $$ industries. They will make tackling the pharmaceutical, big agriculture, big energy and telecommunications industries, look like a garden party in comparison.😐🀐

As for the mitigation strategies, that is definitely the correct term to use, not cure. I think until there are some profound changes in the environmental exposures for individuals, mitigation is the only option, and it will look different for each individual. The upside, there are actually hundreds of different therapies, treatments, molecules, practices that work to mitigate the effects of these CDS and technology, in the short to medium term.😊

I look forward to continuing to read your work and the CI history making collection.πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸŽ©πŸŽ©πŸ’―πŸ™πŸ˜Š

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"The more recent work of some others, gets too distracted by the "evil" of the situation, and religious connotations, that detracts from the serious consideration of evidence. Respectfully, but bluntly, pure dispassionate and clinical science is needed, not (justified) emotion, theology or existential speculation."

While I agree emotion, theology or existential considerations should not override scientific facts when seeking evidence, those do not necessarily negate one another. You are expressing a bias in my opinion.

The dispassionate and clinical pursuit of science when applied to the well being of all living things is a truncated attitude that has contributed to the mess we are currently finding ourselves in. imo.

For instance, it is entirely possible for a scientist to have a profound relationship with God and still be an excellent entirely fact based scientist in their research.

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I AM expressing bias, I am only human after allπŸ˜‰

I agree that its entirely possible for a scientist to hold both spiritual and scientific relationship and maintain both with integrity. Unfortunately, not all people can hold dichotomy or contradictory notions comfortably, so usually allow one bias to override the other. But my comment was meant, to highlight humanity's need to embellish, when emotive subjects are involved. Sticking to "just the facts ma'am", especially in relation to nanotechnology, at this stage, is my point. Most barely even know the industry exists, let alone that its been used to conduct unofficial/official experimentation on humans for at least 30+ years!πŸ˜‘πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€”πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

Just as nanotech is fact but not widely known, believed or accepted, conflating it with religious aspects, although they may be truth as well, may confuse the matter. BTJMOπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‰

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The avoidance of discomfort has lead to so many horrendous choices I can't list them all. If someone wants to tell the truth about anything, they will experience discomfort until the truth is told and then, peace. The truth is the truth and none other.

Considering the spiritual aspects (notice I do not say "religious" as it is distinctly different) of all life now contaminated with nanotech may actually expedite the discovery of its true nature and intent rather than confusing it. That we discover the truth is paramount regardless of preference of method, so my thought is we transcend our biases that cause us discomfort and try our best to find the truth regardless of source of method.

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Might you be willing to share what mitigation strategies are working for you? πŸ˜„

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I haven't anything that I'm prepared to share just yet. Not being difficult or grinchy, I'm still trying to figure out a low cost method that will be effective across the board, more or less. Without adding more harm.

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As a barefoot healer you should look into the fact that this bio tech is directly targeting the TCM main 12 meridian systems of the body. Especially the stomach pathway. See my comment above.

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I haveπŸ˜‰ and IMO, the technology actually uses the lymphatic system to distribute throughout the body, enter/exit cells, to harvest bioelectric energy, and evades/overwhelms the immune system. It also uses the water created in the mitochondrial matrix to draw energy and proliferate. The meridian system is the bioelectrical communication pathways of the body, which the tech hijacks. If the tech was a hacker, then the meridians would be the internet.


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Strangely, the tech is accessible by computer programs! Push button control in fact.

Routing, networking, energy harvesting. Godawful stuff.

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I wonder what a master acupuncturist from, say, China, would say about counteracting nanotechnology in the body!

It seems we want to kneecap the nano, but how do we do that and not hurt our bodies in the process?

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It appears that Detoxing plays a large part…

The fat cells in the body are a huge repository for this stuff, & other toxins to accumulate in the body over many years.

I will write on this further later in the year. I did touch on this subject in one of my posts over the last few months as I realised the only way for this stuff to stay in our bodies & avoid the natural cleansing processes of the blood & liver & kidneys would be for it to be stored in the fat cells, which explains why the food industry changed dramatically during the 1980’s onwards, incorporating highly processed high fat foods that make everyone overweight & unhealthy.

There is a correlation between the two…

This is also when Morgellons cases began to appear & psychiatrists involved with this β€˜program’ started falsely diagnosing people with Morgy symptoms as having delusional psychosis & heavily medicating them to shut them up!

The military machine has since perfected Morgellons into what we see today -The bio weapon.

That is what is connecting everyone to the grid system…it was invented for control & surveillance many decades ago.

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I would very much like to know that too. As well as any other modality energy medicine practitioners.πŸ‘πŸ˜‰

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Also Todd Callendar, esq.

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Thank you, Clifford. I am so looking forward to your confirmations on mitigation strategies this spring. A Spring Awakening! I am praying for you and hope the right legal expert shows up in your inbox.

Your steadfast excellent hard fact research has kept me (who has Morgellons/CDB) going for many years. God Bless.

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One main & major area that all this combined body invasion is targeting is the TCM energy meridian systems. The 12 main meridian pathways, especially the stomach pathway .

This pathways links from the tip of the nasal passage through the head, down through the neck, chest, stomach, hips, genitals, thighs, lower legs & finally through the feet & ends at the second toes.

Every function of the human system is affected by the meridian pathways & the energy/ frequency flow between them... flow blockages create illness. Their tech is accumulating along all these pathways to damage our health & affect their control over our bodily functions via remote access which is performed via the bio tech now inside everyone.

I have tested my theory over the last couple of years & have narrowed it down to this through personal experience. I am a healer of almost 30 years... I know how my body works & through being targeted heavily for the last five years I have been able to pinpoint how they are affecting not only my body but many others too. I have a little insider knowledge of who some of the top players are in this game as well so its helped me to figure things out a lot quicker.

We are looking at this being a very long running program involving Chinese medicine & the ancient meridian energy systems. They have worked out how to invade, influence & ultimately control the frequencies within them to affect control of us.

The bio tech that is being investigated now has been specifically engineered for this purpose.

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The damage done to the stomach pathway (aka endothelial linings of the body) via the toxicity from water soluble, glycine substituting, bacterial (including mitochondria) shikeme pathway damaging glysophate molecules, as found in the pernicious global Roundup product, would also be affecting the halobiome and the meridian systemπŸ˜‰ BTJMO.

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Yes, but what I am talking about is bio tech & frequency damage on a massive scale worldwide. not glyphosates, bacteria, or chemicals in the water. What they have been implementing for the last 2 to 3 decades has now been perfected to completely destroy our bodies from within the systems themselves that keep us well & working properly.

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This sounds really really bad. Horrific. Is there a way to stop it?

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Stay healthy... acupuncture will help to alleviate energy flow issues... exercise regularly & stay well hydrated. We are all working on finding a permanent solution. Eventually enough people will become aware of what is going on & it will be sorted out...

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Yes, my acupuncturist has saved my life many times by correcting the energy flow so altered by this technology. By the way, I lived three years in a shuttered dark apartment to avoid energizing the nanotech. This was a decade ago and has also permitted my sane survival til now, besides radiation avoidance strategies. Now I have discovered essential oils as a huge help in freezing the CDB's response to radiation and to energies in general

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Oooooh, please share what you know about EO’s and radiation and CDB’s!

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Look at the pathology, and reverse it ,

De generation of anything in the body , is not that difficult to work out ,

But normally it’s completely missed , on purpose, as there’s no money in healthy people .

The problem lies, in the cells are programmed to do all the tasks, this gets re written, the genome gets re written . The body has to rely on a process of borrowing, if the borrowing stops we sicken ,

Let me explain,

So a person lives on cheap processed foods , they can’t borrow anything from this food

A person lives on a organic diet , then there can borrow the nutrients to the cells , for optimal health,

With the genome getting re written, then nothing work s like it did before , it was programmed by nature,

So why does the bad re-edit Gnome repair ,

It will to a degree when the borrowing is put back to optimal,

And the mitochondria are repaired,

Basically as mr wef said you have been changed,

Readers NOTE

This is not medical advice or ment to replace medical advice,

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Hi Clifford, I'm trying to watch your Santa Fe videos as a good introduction to your work and they are so badly buffered it's very difficult. Is there somewhere else these are posted and if not, they need to be! I would like to share them but nobody will put up with buffering every ten seconds! Please LMK the options. Thank you.


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Laura, I would suggest the additional resources as an option for you to consider:




I have a poor connection that is not suitable for testing here, but I am able to get it working fair but not great on the phone connection. I know Safari users seem to have a problem on archive.org and the bandwidth requirements may also be fairly high. I just cannot test that here now. Hopefully the two additional links given will give you some alternatives to use in the meantime.

Let me know if you stay completely out of luck, and thank your for your time and patience devoted. I have little control over the historic presentations at this point. With best regards, from Clifford

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Is there another video resource that has the same-ish material that you would be able to reference. that can play better? Thank you Clifford!

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Mar 26Β·edited Mar 26Author

Laura, I hope we are in luck. Much of the work was also duplicated on Daily Motion. Give it a try, at places like this:




There should be quite a body of work there. I don't know of any collected source beyond these two places, other than the media page in general.

Hope these help, it took a lot of work in years past to get these set up.

Best regards, from Clifford

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Does CI have any relationships with MD or PhD researchers that could evaluate your data and publish it?

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Mar 15Β·edited Mar 15Author

Dr. Bishop,

Not at this time. This is a question that the public deserves some information on. CI has worked with well over a half dozen doctors (the majority medical) and doctorates over the years. In short, ultimately none of them maintained the dedication nor the standards of professional and ethical performance of public service that are required. One of the set acted with nefarious motives that caused obstruction of public access to CI work for at least two years; another acted with disingenuous motive. CI's ability to serve the public was severely jeopardized in the first case.

Several years ago I created a forum, discussion group and project specifically dedicated to the purpose you speak of. There was not sufficient interest expressed to justify its maintenance. That project was called the Carnicom Institute Professional Health Community Network.

A major health symptom online survey of high standard also was completed over a couple of years time; the purpose of that project was primarily to serve and benefit the health and medical community. To my knowledge, that massive database that resulted has never been used or accessed in any professional sense.

I continue to hold optimism and direction that eventually such goals and needs will take hold, however, the track record does not speak well of it.


from Clifford

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I am so sorry to hear that you have been served so poorly by the medical and scientific community. You must have exceptional fortitude and determination to persist despite the obstacles (I bet I haven’t β€œheard” the half of it…). If I can assist in some way, please let me know (sincere offer, not just being polite) I am happy to give you my contact info via dm (although I am relatively easy to find via google as well)


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Dr. Bishop,

Thank you kindly for your voice of support, it is good to hear. I have hopes that additional opportunities for coordination of effort will develop; you can be assured that I will contact you if this fortune comes our way. I have such in mind. Thank you much, with best regards, from Clifford

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deletedMar 15Β·edited Mar 16
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Thank you very much Rod for this interesting information. I know many topics must be involved in your study and experience. There is no representation of any type planned at this time. Best regards, from Clifford

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