Thank you. God Bless.

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Thank you so much for all your work. It's very much appreciated.

Season's Greetings to you.

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The Carnicom Institute finds the truth while the rest of the scientific establishment slumbers in denial...

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Continued gratitude for Your Nobel deserving Research 🙏

Here's to effective proaction in 2024 the likes for which We have yet to manifest

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The short AI video is an eye opener for those with with a short attention span to get the message. Including the link to the article is an excellent idea to make it credible.

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Excellent video presentation, Clifford. Godspeed, Rod

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According to the Bible there are 3 sacred things in the 3rd dimension blood spirit and water. I searched a few years back for articles. My niece is in nursing school and told me they only use artificial blood in microscopy class because of contamination concerns...





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"Body, blood, soul, and divinity," is contained in the Blessed Sacrament. The Divinity is in the soul which is in every cell of the blood which attends our body.

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This is where we don’t lose hope. There is help healing all around, but it’s not a silver bullet type deal. We have to continually cleanse and eliminate the contamination. Decon measures after being exposed. I do a nightly coconut oil lemongrass/peppermint oil/baking soda borax scrub homemade which I get wet scrub head to toe and let sit for 5 mins. It will pull some of this crap to the surface and break up the biofilm it deposits in our skin. I use organic activated charcoal shampoo from a small reputable company with simple ingredients and essential oils. I am careful with my cleaning ingredients .Prayer non GMO diet and internal detox via chelators IE sodium citrate also other salts are helpful such as sodium borate and bicarbonate, essential oils such as gum spirits of Turpentine kills yeast which is a synthetic biology tech platform and which has been used in past as a mercury chelator. I have observed it to break down polyestrene which is a component of this evil. Also lemongrass oregano rosemary peppermint fennel juniper break down the same polyestrene. 2 drops in a carrier oil under the tongue 3x a day has brought me benefits. There are many angles to attack this thing, we just have to break it down and simplify the equation. Then we interfere with the replication process at several stages. . I think the basic ones are: yeast polyestrenes and heavy metals. Remove the components and the machine will not assemble.

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