Last night I wept for the first time in a long, long time, quietly in my room in the dark. My heart is just astoundingly breaking for us all. Thank you for your efforts on our behalf. Let us live the best lives possible, hold our heads up and strive each day for truth and justice. Above all, be kind to each other.

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Tears have lots of elements in them that actually help our bodies....my aunt told me that some decades ago, and I like to remember it....best from ORegon

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Sir I have seen a few of these synthetic blood cells with my scope. They also look like cells Dr Ana has shown in the past.

Does Sodium Citrate or EDTA or Vit C or Methylene Blue have much effect on them? Are they in any way attached to any graphine oxide particles?

Have you seen the info on myloperoxidase and eosiniphil peroxidase and horseradish peroxidase being able to degrade single and double graphene layers?

Since the white clots being pulled out by embalmers are very strong and stretchy and have polymers how can they be reverse engineered? It seems to me I remember doing a lab experiment where we made a polymer then reversed it but I can't remember the details it was a long time ago.

I apologize for asking so many questions at once. I am one of these people who believes that the answers lay in nature itself. I'm looking into plant enzymes since myloperoxidase degrades graphene.

Thank you for all the work you are doing! Patti

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I also read that horseradish peroxidase (HRP) seems to have the ability to degrade GO, according to this March 2011 paper - "The enzymatic oxidation of graphene oxide" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21344859/ - The paper states: "In the presence of low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (∼40 μM), HRP catalyzed the oxidation of graphene oxide, which resulted in the formation of holes on its basal plane." I came across the paper in this substack article - https://siriusispodstruje.substack.com/p/graphene-oxide-detoxification

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That paper states "HRP failed to oxidize chemically reduced graphene oxide (RGO)."

and only rGO is magnetized...That's what the late Dr. Noak was claiming.

NIST has an extremely good summary of how to degrade GO/rGO/etc. THe smallest molecule which rips off graphene and its derivatives is H2O2, hydrogen peroxide, the substrate for HRP. HRP is too large for the forces on the simple planar GO surface to take it apart completely. What actually happens is the opposite, graphene cuts into chemical bonds of those proteins, leaving them useless and possibly totally fragmented, not good.

The usage of H2O2 nebulization during 'covid' saved my life in fact, I learned it from Dr. Mercola's interview with Dr Brownstein. You need very little amount of it. AT that time I didn't know that you also could add to the protecting coctail some iodine, colloidal silver and some essential oils...

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Having spent a lot of $ buying lab grade RGO and trying all sorts of suggested ways to make it magnetic, I failed and couldn't. RGOI is not magnetic in its own right. Try buying some magnetic graphene. If you get some let me know as I would like some to experiment with.

When you dig deep they say they created MGO (magnetic graphene oxide) but only for a split second in a lab.

Supposedly you can dope it with FE but I haven't tried that yet.

I am however a big fan of oxygen and hence peroxide. Inhaled, drank, slathered and snorted it with varying results. Got my sense of smell back and stopped the incredible itch of fibers & CDB's permanently on my lower legs. Also its very cheap and freely available to all.

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How did u snort peroxide,I need these nanobots out of my nose,I'm rubbing peroxide on my abdomen a d eating like a smalll bite of horseradish,just started

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I used a nasal mister .

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OK so maybe not a good idea. Would eating horseradish have same effect?

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Papain dissolves hydrogel. Horseradish is one of the ingredients in my cure all.

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Thank you very much for posting these resource papers on myloperoxidase. I hope that others will start deep diving into this topic and expand the research on it and maybe get others to dig on and find more with their own research into enzymes.

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Me too. I've posted same comment on several microscopist sites. It attracted several likes so I hope someone finds the time to look into it. A commenter replied that he's been craving for horseradish for some time! We could maybe just try eating it regularly and see if it improves condition of blood? Can't do any harm.

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Did you mention to Karl.C?

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I mentioned it to Dr Nixon (twice) and also to Karl I'm pretty sure but no harm in you mentioning it again.

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Kerrylyn I can do that and report any findings after giving some time for it to work. Be well.

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I sonicated my horseradish in the jar with a little Xtra vinegar in it. Had ot with Mayo and a steak sandwich for dinner. It was good. I also am going to grow my own already placed an order.

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Can you explain what you mean by sonicated please?

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Hi Patti - do you have any findings to report?

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Well something I'm seeing most recently in blood is that instead of blood forming much rouloux I'm seeing lattice work formations in bloodmpools on the slide. Very different than what I was seeing before. Dr Ana started showing this on some of her slides a month or so ago. I can't remember what she called the formations. My closest descriptions is lattice work in kind of a net formation.

I'm also seeing strands in blood again even in blood that is looking somewhat better.

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I think she said mesh something or another - networks? I saw that presentation a couple of months ago. The bots were charging through the rbcs but there were still lots of rouleaux

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I totally agree with you. I keep it in my fridge all the time. I'm going to Sonicate some and release more of what is still in the cells that ordinary grating does not release. It should release more of the myloperoxidase.

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Yes sonicate it's a special tool that has been used in labs to break down cell walls in cells. It uses ultrasound at 20k vibrations per second to open cells in plants and other materials it's the newest way to release locked up compounds for essential oils and other things. It can make cold black coffee in about 5 minutes without tearing up the base materials. Some of my friends just used it to liberate the compounds in the flowers, leaves stems and roots of a plant that has medicinal values.

You can find info on the net about it. Use sonication or homogenization to find the equipment.

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Hello. The question I've been asking myself for a long time. In the body, is the breakdown of graphene into smaller forms more easily evacuated, or do they penetrate deeper?

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I don't know if anyone knows the answer to that question. I recommend that you search Dr Ana Mihalcea's and Clifford Carnicoms Substack to ask them this question.

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Papain dissolves hydrogel.

Horseradish is one of the ingredients in my cure all.

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Hallo Patty you get an answer to your questions?It would interested me also.

Regards Aminata

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Clifford, please forgive me if you've posted your latest and best guess countermeasure to this latest discovery. May I know what you propose, besides chelation, a la Dr. Mihalcea, to counter it?

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Have you ever checked into what bacterial phages look like it almost looks like what you're talking about is a synthetic bacterialphage very similar to the xenobots

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Thank you for your observation. You likely have an interest in the following comment:

"17. Evidence for the existence of a filamentous bacteriophage does exist, and it remains under evaluation."


Bedtime Efforts : Organic Summary II


with best regards, from Clifford

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Thanks for your work. Words are inadequate.

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It barely breaks down in sulphuric acid?! Woow! This is such scary stuff! The criminals who made this stuff get invented, really need to answer for their crime!

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And this…

“c) Combustion point, if it exists, is greater than 510 deg C”

Sorry if I’m mistaken but I believe this inability to burn with heat is a property of all synthetic biology we’ve come across including the calamari clots (does that fall into the precious CDB class or is it a byproduct of sorts?).

Which makes me think of what would be the grotesque results of cremation… would one decompose and be left with these materials? If they actually do keep growing outside the body in a Petri dish do they keep expanding in buried embalmed bodies or potentially even in the cremation jar (latter is doubtful I suppose you need liquid/blood cells). What if the cremation jar breaks in an earthquake and falls ontop of soil or fertile substrate, would it grow?

Also, has anyone tried incinerating the calamari clots and afterwards looked for any changes over time? The same with sulfuric acid? Isn’t sulfuric acid the stuff they used in Breaking Bad to decompose bodies in a barrel?

Does anyone recall if anyone found anything to dissolve those calamari clots? I believe Dr. Ana M. uses EDTA but that’s just to clean the blood but ishe doesn’t have direct evidence it dissolves them or anything at all for that matter. If I remember correctly.

My questions are mainly rhetorical but just throwing it out there.

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Hi Natalia,

An interesting anomaly occurred when I accidently left some of this polymer to dry on a paper plate. When I put the dried polymer including a cut out section of the paper plate into a ziplock / clipseal bag with some water it dissolved after 2 days. My intention had been to rehydrate it for removal, but forgot it over the weekend.

Possible cause was the bleach or other chemicals used in the pulping process or the manufacturing process if the paper plate.

The polymer referred to here was one of the "clots" that formed when centrifuging a 10ml blood draw, as we do now to assess or quantify polymer contamination levels in the blood.

Cremation temperatures would probably destroy it.



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Hey Matt have you tried dissolving these clots with Aqua Regia? It dissolves gold and other metals. This thought just came to me. Patti

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As always, fantastic discoveries by a modern day living legend. You are an inspiration to many. If I need to pray sometime soon, which is very likely, it will be to the God of all things righteous and you SIR will be beneficiary of my prayers. May you solve this riddle outright and save what is left of humanity from total destruction.

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Beautifully stated. I concur absolutely.

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Greetings Clifford,

do you have ANY gene/amino-acid sequencing data of these samples? It is still all very foggy to me, to imagine a replication of something completely synthetic in an analog way the biological matter does. IN plain words, it is not possible without genetic material OR their chemical synthetic analogs, to build structure with reasonable function..

Even the entire synthetic bug from Craig Venter is using natural components stitched in a synthetic way, that's possible..

When looking back into history of molecular biology, scientists started with investigating what substances are needed for an organism in order to survive/replicate. What are those materials for your CDB? Or that object in your last image ?

Your old, possibly forgotten collaborator...

Btw. wrote just recently also a post on the white stuff, just more main stream explanation:


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Moderna file a patent in 2020 on blood nanobots. Reese report mentions Carnicom research as confirming.

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Thanks so much for all your efforts in this fight for humanity! 🫶

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Organoid Intelligence= “Synthetic Biological Intelligence”

Merging AI and Synthetic Biology

Growing Organs: Stem Cells, Organoids and 3D bioprinting


August 2023

Bioelectric Interface Technologies in Cells and Organoids


Organoid Intelligence (OI)

The Ultimate Functionality of a Brain Microphysiological System


“Spearhead Organoid Intelligence (OI) as Synthetic Biological Intelligence”

“We, the participants of the First Organoid Intelligence

Workshop – “Forming an OI Community” (22-24 February 2022)”-John Hopkins University

The new “emerging convergence”?

The Organoid Cell Atlas


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Clifford, thank you for your decades long work on synthetic biology and characterization of how it works and how it interacts with the human body. The use of chelators in combination with thermally regulated liquids (e.g. warm) that are pH adjusted has helped to purge the body of significant amounts of a failed neuroweapon hit job in 2022 that went from perch mode to attack mode. I've posted what I've learned regarding counter-measures. Synthetic biology can heal or degrade based upon what it is trained upon. If you want to destroy proteins using the EM field approach then the terahertz frequency range interacts very well with protein complexes to vibrate them at critical resonance frequency (inclusive of Sars-Cov-2 spikes and other proteins in ALS). Brief here: https://electrostasis.substack.com/p/health-and-wellness-101-overall-orientation (note, ChinaCCP and their business proxies were behind the neuroweapon, synbio based for spy mode first to data monitor (e.g. wetware niBMI bug)... tech has many uses for bugging people)).

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Thank you Brandon, and to all others as well, for devoting time to stay abreast of the research, and for the many contributions that are being made in return. from Clifford

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I saw a video yesterday on Med Cram. YT. He said new study re micro plastics and boiling water will cause reaction with minerals that encapsulate the plastic. Boil water from the tap.

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How have you confirmed that these are genetically engineered bacteria?

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He’s the only one who has been working for over 20 years on this.

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Hi Rosalind,

I doubt that anyone will ever seriously debate Clifford's standards of evidence after downloading and studying his papers from the Carnicom Institute website, where all these questions are already answered and well documented / proven. If they ever do I will watch, with amusement.

Best Regards,


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I’ll go have a look, thanks.

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His work helped me stay calm as I was figuring out what “ morgellons “ is.

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