May 7Liked by Carnicom Institute

Today I view Rouleau formation differently. This is because it appears that only human blood Rouleaux whereas the synthetic blood links side to side and forms the honeycomb pattern that is being seen more commonly in the blood. Many protocols seem to fix the Rouleau but removing the polymer is obviously a difficult, major and urgent issue today.

I see a question below as to how it enters our body, and the answer is that its manufactured inside us by the CDB as per Clifford's research.

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Hi Matt,

could you tell if the synthetic blood is operational? I mean, does it transport any kind of oxigen at all? Thanks!

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No, we don't know.

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That's what I asked, it must be in the diet. It is impossible for it to be anywhere else

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May 7Liked by Carnicom Institute

Dastardly information at the heart of your studies, sir. But we are grateful for the knowledge. Thank you.

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May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

Hi Clifford im new here and after seeing the pics of the polymers you show here they reminded me of this new "rope worm parasite" that many people are expelling as of the past few years.

There is a scientist by the name of Volinsky who has expelled them himself and he has been trying to raise money to get genome testing on them because the medical community or whoever is in charge refuses to identify these gelatinous ropes that are causing a lot of problems for so many including myself. Andreas kalkher and kerri Rivera have cured children of autism after doing enemas with chlorine dioxide. Once these thing are expelled children become better and often lose their autism diagnosis. It is believed to be a genetically modified or synthetic parasite.

I will post some videos about this but when I saw the pics you have here I immediately thought about the pics of the rope worm stages. One of its stages looks just like the white glob floating in your pic!! You'll have to watch this volinsky guy talk about his findings and maybe its not related at all but it seems to be from vaccines and is also man made somehow.






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May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

Some good info here Kelly, I may make use of it, thanks. Clifford will probably not answer, as he presents us with his research, but doesn’t tell us what to do about it. He states that he doesn’t do protocols or medicine of any type. He’s also incredibly busy.

I’m quite new here also, there is tons of info in his archives, I believe he has a link in his text. Really good stuff there.

These rope worms are horrendous aren’t they! You did well to link them with Clifford’s polymer pictures! Good one!

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everyone talks about these worms. any photo?

What happened so that everyone has those worms?

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See Kelly’s post further up the page-nice pics there.

And Matt j.a.o.b. at the top of the page explains how Clifford’s research answers your second question.

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What I wonder is why before 2021 there were no blood clotting problems, people did not die suddenly

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I suspect that, whereas it has been proven, at least to my satisfaction, that the jabs contain the venoms of several kinds of venomous creatures, clotting, excess bleeding, loss of smell, hypoxia, among many other envenomation symptoms (aka COVID) are natural results.

Look up snakebite symptoms, and you’ll see how exactly they match CV.

Dr. Brian Ardis has done solid and extensive work and research on the venom component. The countermeasure?

Nicotine! Nicotine has reversed the so-called long CV in days, if not hours of all symptoms.

Use Yandex search engine to do your own research on this topic.

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I would like to see proof of some published analysis showing that there are poisons in vaccines. That contradicts what other scientists have confirmed, that there is nothing biological about vaccines.

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Good question, I can’t really answer that-maybe the chemtrails and nanostuff took longer to do anything. Maybe they did happen but nobody knew about this to form a link (almost nobody).

My Dad died suddenly in 1971. He had a heart attack.

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Yes, occasionally people before 2021 had the occasional heart attack.

But what we have seen since the implementation of the vaccine is that people die suddenly, not from a heart attack, but from arrhythmias. There are thousands of cases in sports. Precisely athletes who have an enviable cardiovascular system. And if we talk about cancer, the same thing, oncologists suspect something but officially declare that they don't know because now there is more cancer.

Could it be that they have put something in the vaccines that causes blood clotting?

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Hmm, this looks similar to what may be visible here in my colonoscopy video: https://youtu.be/E38-ORiPpaY.

That’s the only factual proof out there that the so called “ropeworm” thing is indeed something that is attached to the colon walls.

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Awesome links, thanks for sharing!

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May 7Liked by Carnicom Institute

Thanks once again to the whole C. I. team for taking the time to share your findings and educate us. 🙏🙏

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May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

Hi Kelly,

Its of interest that ropeworms are also now considered to be in most of the population but given no serious attention. Coffee enemas and those using the triangles dry over their intestines have reported them exiting the bowels. While not as glamorous as other fields of study its a serious issue that is currently understudied. I think of gill bates sick grin in the museum of parasites when I see the photos of it. It would be a shame to find out that its a large source of the material that's affecting so many today but ignored through ignorance and the embarrassment to speak of kaka.

Thanks for bringing it up. m

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I understand (ish) that the Tony P anti-nano triangle emits a pulsing field of around 60 magnets placed “like pole to like pole” around and inside the triangle. Like pole to like pole creates it’s own disruptive field, and the pulsing, even more so.

If this Godawful rope worm & nanotech gunk is cut from the same techno cloth as Clifford’s CDB, it makes sense that it needs a disruptive field of some kind to vibrate it loose and shatter it.

As has been proven by one of my favorite SubStackers, SAM, aka Silvia, her extremely novel use of Tony’s exotic tech is proving to be successful in disrupting the communication with the distant signaling that underpins the assembly of the nanotech.

Here’s an interesting possibly related link regarding removing nano from the blood with electric fields.


Here’s a fellow SubStacker who is a naturopath using Rifing with specific frequencies that are proving to be destructive to hydrogels, graphene, etc.


Okay, sorry for the long reply!

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what is a ropeworm? It's the first time I've heard something like that.

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I knew someone here would know what I was talking about:)

Can you please tell me where to find more info regarding this triangle you speak of?

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FireMedic8 may be of help, re triangle: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/NjQh0sfKo7ez/

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May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

I am often rendered speechless after reading one of Clifford's research updates. This is no exception.

In the past, I have struggled with what some of the terms used by Clifford (and others), actually mean. For example, there is the term, Xenobiology, which seems to be the study/discipline having to do with non-natural (those which have not appeared through normal terrestrial [natural] means) life forms. The term, Genetic Engineering, apparently has to do with designing new genomes or altering/modifying portions of existing genomes. Synthetic biology appears to be the study or discipline having to do with constructing/engineering new or already existent life forms or systems from the building blocks of life. Finally, [Synthetic Genetically Engineered Xenobiology] would then seem to mean; the study or discipline having to do with constructing new (non-natural) life forms from more rudimentary building blocks of life, including (but not limited to) designing new genomes or modifying existing ones. If these statements are untrue in any way, I would appreciate Clifford or anyone else with greater understanding than I have, kindly correcting me.

Here are some of the thoughts which now occur to me. How earthshaking would it be if it became common knowledge that intentionally created (synthetic) new and unique microscopic entities (CDB) give rise to non-natural red blood cells which contain hemoglobin and that this is happening in all humans, if not all life forms with circulatory systems? Think about the implications of what it would mean if human blood can be totally replaced by non-human blood, none of which appear favorable (this gives a new meaning to the biblical adage that the life is in the blood, Leviticus 17:11). This entire reality is almost incomprehensible. What does this mean for the diagnosis and treatment of heart, lung and blood diseases, blood transfusions, blood typing to mention a few? Try to imagine how these two forms of blood can coexist in the same human body without causing serious disease and death in virtually everyone. The question of what it means to be human would forever be changed as well. This is a physical/philosophical/theological nightmare.

One question that comes to mind: what is the full genetic sequence of CDB, which apparently is the precursor, organism/entity that gives rise to the artificial red blood cells and polymers described? I assume that this has not been achieved primarily due to a lack of the requisite equipment/funds.

Thank you Clifford, for this update.

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May 7Liked by Carnicom Institute



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May 8·edited May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

1. Would any of the 4 potential polymers make sense as a possible step in the evolution from carbon based to silicone based life forms?

2. Have you considered C60 as a potential polymer candidate?

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where do those polymers come from?

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Dear Carnicom Institute, I am no scientist, but I am a well educated man who does a lot of research and likes to use simple logic:

1) Truths are always very simple and when their explanations become complex, that is actually a proof that one has departed away from truth and its simplicity.

2) The psychotics who have ordered and paid for the creation of what you say you now find in human blood and those who have created it for them, would both be dead with the rest of humanity, if there were no antidote for their "weapon" (a preventive treatment and/or a treatment which could be administered after the fact in case the preventive treatment was not available when needed).

3) The polymers you claim to be finding in human blood, would have to be entering the human body on a regular basis in order to exist there in such large amounts. And as there are only two ways in (through our food and water, and through our breathing), the preventive methods can be water purification, food purification and air purification. Now, in view of the fact that these psychotic monsters some times eat at restaurants like we do and have to breathe the air we breathe, no matter how protective they may be they must have a way to get that stuff out of their bodies too.

4) Thus, any such treatment after the fact would have to be simple and easy to administer, because it would have to be administered on a regular basis to a large number of people (those who ordered it and paid for it, as well as those who created the "weapon" and its antidote certainly count more than a few thousand). Otherwise, if a complicated and complex operation was needed to administer the antidote, the fact that a large number of publicly known and visible figures kept going somewhere to be treated on a regular basis, could have and probably would have leaked out by now and would have been known to the public at large.

4) Based on all of the above, I have a question for you. What is really and actually the point and goal of your research, if no solution has been offered by you after all these years of work? In case you are not aware of it, without the offer of a solution to the "problem" your research only serves to scare the public following it and make them feel helpless. Thus, your work and its publication here or anywhere else you may be reporting it serves only the enemies of mankind, and not those who follow it hoping for answers from the scary future you keep creating with your reports. So, because of the fact that you have kept publishing this stuff for so long, while it would have been safer for you and better for the general public to keep it secret until you have solved the problem, I have come to wonder how come you are still alive and still have the necessary funds to continue your work after all these years, while many of those who spoke up about the harmfulness of the Covid jabs ended up dead only a year or two after they disclosed their findings (Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Butar, the expert who reported on the dangers of graphene oxide, and some of the folks at La Quinta)? You actually even tried to belittle the importance of their findings about the true nature of the virus, the safe ways to deal with it and the harmful effects of the Covid jabs in your most recent report. Who's benefit are you really working for?

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May 8·edited May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

While your commentary is intelligent and makes common sense, I think you're missing a point.

"They" are going through this transition into transhumanism as well. "Their" goal is to live forever in the flesh. Though post transformation, should anyone survive, it will hardly be biological flesh they inhabit if at all.

Undoubtedly, "they" have much more elegant solutions to the difficulties "they" encounter in this transition. Solutions withheld from the rest of us as what they are looking for in the general population are those who will transition with them. Into living robots, fleshbots.

Again, a much more elegant solution to fully mechanized robots who will always be expensive to produce and maintain and limited in functionality. Why build mechanized robots when you have fully functional supercomputers, human brains, and dexterous bodies that can perform in ways a machine will never be able to?

They will be as gods and the fleshbots they control will be their people. That's the fantasy.

They don't care how many are murdered any more than Dr. Frankenstein mourned his failed experiments or any other scientist mourns the death of a lab rat. They are only interested in the ones who do transition, even if limited in number.

This is transhumanism. Ray Kurzweil spoke of it twenty years ago and it's been planned for much longer. I know it sounds insane. It is.

God has other plans. As Jesus said when telling the apostles what would occur in the end times -

"And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." Matthew 24 : 22

I know this is alarming, but I also know Clifford Carnicom is presenting what he's learned from his great work, honestly. I have been following his work for twenty years myself and can attest to his integrity. If his research is contradicting others there are likely a variety of sound reasons.

Clifford is one man with limited resources trying to show us what he's discovered. He isn't the only person to NOT have a solution. If you notice, no one does. There may be no solution or "cure". Perhaps the best we can hope for in a material sense is mitigation to survive. That alone is a challenge at this point.

There is no evidence a virus exists. There are only computer models printed on pieces of paper and saved to hard drives. That's the truth. While GO is a problem, it's not the most lethal.

My suggestion is for everyone to get right with God. This is indeed a Spiritual War being fought on the battleground of all biological life. I don't believe for an instant that God will allow His creation to be hijacked and perverted by evil. Though I also believe He is giving everyone the chance to choose. For Him or against Him. But He's also made it clear this time will come to an end. An end of His choosing according to His will.

God Bless.

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Oh so well said. Thank you.

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Pirate, you continue to delight and amaze me with your depth and deep understanding of this whole scenario.

Hats off to you, and a heartfelt thank you for all you bring, dear lady!

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May 7·edited May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

you obviously have no personal experience with this medical issue.

for many, if not most, suffering from CDB, it has been a chronic condition.

documented for over thirty years now.

still many unanswered questions due to its ridicule and dismissal by the medical profession for decades.

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Dear Kitten, 1) If it is so omnipresent in everyone's blood to the degree described by Carnicom, we all have an issue and personal experience with it, whether we are aware of it or not. 2) 30 years is plenty of time to find a solution to any problem through trial and error. If it hasn't been found, whoever is doing the research may be looking in the wrong direction. When the house is burning, naming the fire or analyzing the flames is not the primary goal of those who really intend to stop it. Extinguishing it is. The only real value and purpose of science is its practical application in everyday life. 3) All truth meets ridicule and resistance in the begining. The vested interests that benefit from the lack of it do not want to loose their money or power. But that has never stopped a real truth seeking individual from finding the truth, although many have been prevented from making it known thereafter. 4) If I sound harsh it is only because I want you and I and the rest of the good people on this planet who may be suffering from this thing Carnicom talks about, to stop suffering. And telling us that this is just getting worse week after week, without offering a solution, can make those who believe their reports feel worse, not better. That is exactly what the Main Stream Media does to people every day. And they are paid to do that by the same psychotics who pay the scientists who invent the bio weapons we later call Covid or CBD. So, whenever someone serves their purposes of fear mongering, I become cautious. Because good people do not do that to good people. They tend to withold information that may make others worried. And in the past month since I have been on the Substacks looking for answers I have seen a few researchers do just that. Weather they do it to raise more money for their research or because they actually do work for people who have evil intentions I do not care. Their actions are destructive. They do not make others feel better, but worse. And I will point that out so that others are aware of it too. They can do their research and cooperate with each other and share their grim findings behind the scenes. But what the public needs is some solutions and some good news. And the Substacks that offer that are the only ones I will support financially or otherwise.

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May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

We know how to extinguish a fire. Synthetic biology is an unknown. We don't have a clue how to extinguish it.

Applying the solutions we understand to a never before encountered threat is not likely to work. So trial and error is employed to discover what works. Primarily by eliminating what doesn't work.

It's like saying if aliens showed up and behaved aggressively, since we know how to train dogs to be obedient, we should be able to train the aliens. And because a solution that fits within "normal" problem solving parameters hasn't worked, the problem solver must be incompetent.

Rather than acknowledging that you or me or anyone we know would likely NOT take on this challenge knowing in advance failure to solve is likely.

Good people tell the truth. Liars tickle your ears and tell you what you want to hear so as not to "upset" you. What you're saying is -

You don't want to hear the truth. Which is your right.

But please don't belittle the truth tellers or the ones who want to hear it. Just go and listen to those who falsely comfort you. None of us here mind if you make that decision and no one is concerned if your feelings are hurt when you hear the truth. That belongs to you and you alone. No one here is fear mongering.

I think you have a great deal of fear and I suggest you deal with it for your own sake.

I have learned that ignorance is NOT bliss. Far from it. I want the truth, so I read every post and study from Clifford and others who tell it.

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May 8·edited May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

Carnicom just lays out the dry facts, results of his research.

if you react fearfully to the facts, this may not be the place for you.

it is a scary situation that the problem has been swept under the rug for so long while apparently undergoing an evolution of sorts, expansion of the program.

there may not be an easy solution like your fire/extinguisher analogy.

Bay Area Kaiser/CDC/Air Force “investigated” the issue after much pressure by residents resulting in CDC labeling it as a psychological delusion (never mind the hard physical evidence) so to believe that the government-industrial-military-medical complex will do anything helpful *ever* (or share what they actually know) is the delusional part.

to the best of my knowledge the one man operation that is the Carnicom Institute is the only one that has done formal, rigorous analysis of the phenomenon (many just observe blood under dark field) outside of those who originally concocted, inflicted the garbage.

David v. Goliath.

it would be great if there were breakthroughs that assisted the victims in removing the foreign bodies (or, at least more effectively ameliorate the symptoms.)

there are a number of sufferers who have experienced relief with various remedies and they often graciously share their findings with others.

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For there to be these polymers in water and food, there should be some published study verifying this fact through chemical analysis. Do you know of any scientific studies?

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My thoughts exactly. Who's funding them? Why no cancellation? Why no work on an antidote after all these 'decades' of research? Who's behind it? Must be thousands of researchers and scientists involved.

Fear is the mind killer.

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Hmm, this looks similar to what may be visible here in my colonoscopy video: https://youtu.be/E38-ORiPpaY.

That’s the only factual proof out there that the so called “ropeworm” thing is indeed something that is attached to the colon walls.

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I’d be curious to know whether the role of CDB in clotting ever came up in your work before the Covid era? Thank you

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May 8·edited May 8Author


I hope the following may be of help to you and others as well:

My answer is yes, but primarily in a precursor and formative sense. The Covid Era motivates a resurgence of work as mentioned as in the last reference given here.

The work develops in a progressive sense over the recent decades. If you consider the topics of blood, polymerization, CDB, filaments, microphotography, etc. there are scores of references relevant to the question. Some example entries along the way include:

First mention of unusual polymerization sample arises in Nov 1999.

“The views shown are microscopic views (approximately 40 – 60X) of filaments extracted from a sample taken from the ground after aerial spraying in eastern Oregon on Nov 2 and Nov 4 1999. Observation and analysis indicates that the material received appears to be a polymer of some type, which is both extremely elastic and adhesive.”


2009 Artificial blood arises as a topic in 2009

Beyond the 450 research papers listed in chronological order at:


Another way to get a more detailed sense of research topics involved is to investigate the laboratory notebooks index.

2015 numerous entries exist for blood, cdb, polymerization

Master Index for 2009-2015 period is here:



Lab notebooks for 2019 - 2023 have no index to date.

Use search box on primary site for terms such as blood, cdb, polymerization at:

https://carnicominstitute.org/translation-available/ (blood, polymer, cdb, filaments)

2007 Image may be of interest to set the stage:


Pivotal transition paper series into the Covid Era:



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May 8Liked by Carnicom Institute

Many thanks indeed for your reply and the comprehensive list of references. Should keep me out of mischief for a while.

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This eerily reminds me of the chitosan/chitin based polymer “clots” being found in the vaccinated. Be it that they are parasitic in nature fabendazole/ivermectin/turpentine will dissolve/kill them but it takes time.

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Would love to see the effects of turpentine being introduced to the polymer or grapefruit /lemon/cinnamon oil.

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Hello friends of the Cause.

I was just made aware of a recent video of Ana Mihalcea’s stating the current state of play with the nanotech and her solution. Here’s the email I just got from my local group.

Video link: https://rumble.com/v4gppji-self-assembling-nano-bots-hydrogel.-dr.-ana-maria-mihalcea.-crimes-against-.

“In the video of Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea discusses the nanotech and synthetic biology found in the c19 shot vials causing the self assembly of hydrogel filaments in the blood and serious blood clumping, rouleau and honeycomb.

At 46.40 minutes Dr. Ana presents the analysis of the vax and shedding effects described above in the live blood analysis. Then at 54:50 minutes she shares her IV treatment of the blood with EDTA chelation, Vit C & B vitamins and glutathione on Day 1, 2000 mg of ascorbic acid and peptide epithalon on 2nd day on and repeat of 1st day treatment on Day 3. This protocol can be administered at the office of the RN where Brandi (our local microscopist) gives her sessions.

Dr. Ana shows in the video that afterwards the blood cells and blood was restored to blood cells normalized in shape and restored, and free flowing, excellent background without acidity, no hydrogels, reduced quantum dots due to this detoxification protocol. Nattokinase is used for remaining micro clotting.”

I’m going to get pre and post blood work after trying this protocol locally.

Will share the results!

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Energy harvesting from the human body (2020). Open admission of this tech to power IoT edge devices.

"Passive power refers to drawing energy in an unobtrusive manner from the user’s regular activity; think of a piezoelectric pavement as an example of this. Passive energy harvesting technology could also use blood flow or body heat. The basic idea is that the user isn’t required to do any “extra” work.... The heart produces around 1 or 1.5 watts of hydraulic power, and we want to take maybe one milliwatt; a pacemaker only needs around 10 microwatts. This technology, although incredibly promising, met with an early roadblock. Although it was demonstrated to be able to produce about 800 microwatts under supervision, there was widespread concern among experts about the TURBULENCE that it caused. When subjected to turbulence, BLOOD TENDS TO COAGULATE OR CLOT." https://www.onio.com/article/energy-harvesting-human-body.html

From paper referenced in the article: "Chinese scientists have now developed a lightweight power generator based on carbon nanotube fibers suitable to convert even the energy of flowing blood in blood vessels into electricity."


Back in 2012: "At Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, scientists demonstrated a device last month that uses viruses to translate pressure into electricity. The device relies on piezoelectricity, a phenomenon where an electrical charge is produced in a material when it is mechanically deformed or stressed. In this case, the team used an engineered M13 virus that typically infects bacteria to make the material.... viruses can reproduce themselves and form nanometer-scale structures on their own, making them an attractive low-cost alternative to conventional piezoelectric devices, which can use expensive or toxic chemicals."


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I think the c19 technology definately relates to this phenomena and that whether it was intentional or not needs to be determined. Personally, I suspect it is an exploit as I am learning to look at these various outcomes from this perspective: from an older tweet I made:

Similar result in suppressed immune system response, so I call it 21st century AIDS, not your grandfather's Aids. Easy to understand if you start w/premise both were manipulated/designed/engineered.


>immune suppression





Last summer, it dawned on me as I read the like 200-300th paper, that most of the action involved or occurred with coinfection dynamics. This was confirmed in my mind by A.W. Finnegan's book "The Sleeper Agent". This particular exploit has been discovered and manipulated and refined for 88 years.

To what end?

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I'm parking this impressive vid here:


In light of my theory above, the vaccine drive was necessary to create a generous cohort for future investigation and remedie$.

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