Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Carnicom Institute

Thank you to everyone on the CI team!

And now we need more super smartie-pants types to teach us how to remove it from our bodies. Yes, we're all "infected".

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I do not have polymers in my blood, and I test them every month

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That's encouraging news!

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Apr 3Liked by Carnicom Institute

Thank you for the visual suggested model, Mr. Carnicom.

The LIFE (neh'-phesh = soul) is in the BLOOD -- as the wicked know full well. Trump knows that, too ("Covfefe"), & was mocking us. MSM joined in w/him, of course: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/05/31/covfefe-one-year-anniverary-donald-trumps-confusing-tweet/659414002/

DARPA knows, as well. Admits was successful in developing artificial blood (hydrogel). Note at the end what it led to: https://rumble.com/v30s9yy-july-18-2023.html

Daniel 2:43 “And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”

Hydrogel is claimed to be programmable.

They don't care that we know at this point. The blood supply has long been contaminated:

March 2024 preprint paper from Japan that will likely never get past the peer review cabal -

"Concerns regarding Transfusions of Blood Products Derived from Genetic Vaccine Recipients and Proposals for Specific Measures" https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202403.0881/v1

Slow & methodical, sober minded & diligently working away you have been, Mr. Carnicom -- thank you. It was the turtle who won the race.:)

I 100% believe that God is sovereign & is exposing this darkness. Daniel 2:43 is clear that their wicked devices won't work. I pray daily that the minds & hearts of we humans are first & foremost on preparing our souls spiritually. Judgement & justice WILL come. These vessels we're in now are not eternal. Our souls are.

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Apr 1Liked by Carnicom Institute

So this explains the odd clots that embalmers are finding?

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Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute


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Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute

My nephew age 24 died in his sleep on 03/18. He recently graduated from college and played basketball all four years while at school. When I heard how he died I already knew what killed him. Because of his age the town did an autopsy. The corner confirmed a massive clot caused a stroke. The mortician who handled the funeral arrangements confirmed multiple clots. I spoke to her myself. Clotting all around the heart and lungs. I believe a clotting agent may been released against the public. Maybe by plane. Who knows.

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Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute

I think that's what Clifford's research confirms from years ago - that it was and probably still is being sprayed from planes in what we call chemtrails.

Though Clifford says in the article it isn't a clotting agent as we know them. It's the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) that grows and produces the clots. Synthetic biology.

I am so sorry for your nephew and your family. God Bless.

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I have been breathing chemtrails since 2003, since then I saw how the skies were full. My blood before 2022 had absolutely nothing, it was healthy.

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Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute

It's beyond sad. May his memory be eternal.

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Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute

Thanks. Yeah we are all devastated. We know he was vaccinated once to remain in school back in 2021. Apparently that planted a time bomb in him. Clifford's article makes my mind wander back to that famous James Giordano speech where he talks about "dispersing particulate here,.here and here" as he belows on in front of a west point class. Feels like we're being systematically murdered and the strange this is most have no idea......

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Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute

Most don't want to know and I find that so very sad. I have tried telling people the truth about this for years now and am told sometimes in hostile terms to shut up.

It's exactly what Jesus said. They believe a lie because they have no love for the truth.

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I have seen that video and its graphene-based powder

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Yes, we have been observing this since 2021, since the introduction of graphene to the world

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute

For decades, Chemtrails have contained the silent Cross-domain biology (CDB) which remains largely dormant unless it manifests "Morgellons" symptoms in some which can include polymerized fibers exuding from the skin. "Morgellons" has been the precursor to the white polymerized clots associated with the mRNA depopulation injections. This concept and it's consequences are avoided by frightened masses as an overwhelming nightmare so they avoid it and choose to singularly regard it as a bad dream.

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I have been breathing chemtrails since 2003, since then I saw how the skies were full. My blood before 2022 had absolutely nothing, it was healthy.

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Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute

Thank you for your work. It is so valuable. More precious than rubies as is said...

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Apr 4Liked by Carnicom Institute

Thank you for everyone on the team. Carry on with vigor and resolve!

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Apr 3Liked by Carnicom Institute

Mike Decker - Emirates Turns On The Black Aerosols, Spraying Programs Continue. (3/29/24)


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Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute

Ditto many thanks, for all you've done over the years, especially given the fact that what you were finding and sharing over a decade ago has applications now for the majority rather than just a minority of Morgellons sufferers. With reference to the Morgellons-type fibres, back in the day I read the results of a test you did with a range of substances and remember borax being listed as antagonistic to the fibres. There was also an interview Dana Ashlie did with an anonymous gent who (said he) was part of a team involved in early HAARP instalation construction and who´d been instructed to take boron/borax to inhibit the premature activation of this syn bio. Fast forward to recently and I've not come across it being refered to as a mitigation strategy. Is that because subsequent research that I haven´t read showed that was no longer the case?

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HI Tavvy,

Thank you for your pursuit of accurate information, it is appreciated. The CI site has a search box on the home and every page, it is described at:


If this is used for the terms borax or boron across the entire site, this is what is found:

1. Borax : no entries

2. Boron: used one time within a tutorial section on covalent bonds and chemistry

There has been (over several years), and apparently remains, false information circulated with regard to borax or boron use in relation to CI research. One specific source that I am aware of has been requested on several occasions to remove this false information and any association to CI. No cooperation on the issue is known from previous requests or at this time.

Please also view closely an additional paper at:


On a side note, recent unpublished work of CI does involve incidental borax and polymer research within the laboratory notes. This set is likely to become available to the public over the next 3-6 months. As a short reply, I would express several very important cautions and concerns with any internal use of borax. Please also do look at the caveats within the paper mentioned above; CI never has, nor will it ever, recommend specific health protocols.

With best regards, from Clifford

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Apr 3Liked by Carnicom Institute

Thanks, respect and well wishes

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I take sodium bicarbonate, baking soda to improve my ph.

Seems that the body will eliminate invaders in the Interstitial fluids.

Follower of Dr. ROBERT YOUNG.

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Apr 2Liked by Carnicom Institute

thanks for putting this in laymans terms, now I know what I was looking at in my fathers brain scan, 'white plaque', amyloid plaque, so frustrating to see this now he has passed, and thankfully more quickly than others. Now I know why Vascular Dementia as told to us, was a saving grace in a way. Because it acted faster on the brain. Yes now we know, why it acted faster. Are we eatibg too much protein of any sort, plus other contaminants. Theres got to be a way out all this. I know there IS always a way, we are human after all, we dont want to be who 'they' now do we : ) ♡

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It's very lost, the shots aren't going that way. My father suffered from the same thing until he got the vaccine. Before he was healthy.

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Apr 1Liked by Carnicom Institute

Thank you sir 🙏

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This is a semi anecdotal comment but there is evidence to suggest extremely high levels of EMF being measured during the recent “eclipse”. According to published science .2 mW/m2 is a safe level. Richie from Boston was metering over 800 mW/m2 leading up to the eclipse. His most recent video here (see below) shows this in real time. I’m wondering if this will accelerate the blood issues Clifford has identified. Especially considering how introducing a current to the blood/CDB causes devastating issues. Thoughts , comments, observations? https://www.bitchute.com/video/aOYQR6rzLYde/?list=notifications&randomize=false

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I had seen a YouTube video of a block of aluminum that they drilled a concave well into, then dropped mercury into. Whitish strands developed upwards and grew quite tall. I'm wondering if this is also partially involved?

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Can also be done using gallium instead mercury. Less toxic. Aluminum alloyed with a small about of gallium when immersed in water vigorously splits water to evolve hydrogen. The oxygen combines with the aluminum producing lots of aluminum hydroxide “snow”. I patented a hydrogen generator that can use the above reactants. Your white strands are probably moisture from the air reacting with the aluminum which would be aluminum hydroxide. The mercury or gallium prevents the oxide layer normally on aluminum from blocking contact with moisture or water.

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You are claiming that blood clotting has increased in the covid era due to a supposed polymer, and I wonder where is that polymer? Any scientific test or chemical analysis of any food, drink?

We know that graphene has been introduced into vaccines and the scientific literature has hundreds of studies that talk about how it produces blood clotting.

Curious how they try to divert attention, information for certain people with a certain intellectual level.

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