Aluminum oxidises on skin contact. Crosses blood brain barrier & is naturally occurring & used in manufacturing many every day items. So concerning is the Aerosal spraying of the skies contamination of the Earth & everything on it. Clif_High has an illuminating (sets fire!) feature on Aluminum & gives detoxing protocol
In May 2010, a team of scientists led by Venter became the first to create successfully what was described as "synthetic life".
Enter Cynthia, a name for one of the many personalities of Artemis, the Greek virgin goddess of the hunt but now a name attributed to a synthetic bacterium.
The single-celled organism contains four identifiers written into its DNA to help trace its descendants. These are:
A code table for entire alphabet with punctuations
The names of 46 contributing scientists
Three quotations
The secret email address for the cell.
"Cynthia is an engineered microbe originally designed to eat oil. In fact, the oil-eating bacterium Pseudomonas putida is the creature which ushered in the whole bio-tech revolution, having been the subject of a watershed court case (Diamond vs Chakrabhati) in the Supreme Court of the United States in 1980, in which Justice Warren E Burger ruled that a living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a ‘manufacture’ or ‘composition of matter’ within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952. The multi-plasmid hydrocarbon-consuming Pseudomonas was the first patented organism in the world." ~ quoted from my Substack:
I have heard of the creation, but have no direct experience with it. I regard it as 100% relevant, and hopefully others will as well. Thanks much, from Clifford
Hi Clifford. Thank you for seeking and sharing truth.
Will you at some point address what happens if the need for a blood transfusion arises? Are you aware if any effort has been made to keep vaxxed and unvaxxed blood donations separate? To admit the need, of course, would mean admitting THE PROBLEM. But I'm curious!! Thank you!!
Detailed and succinct as always Clifford. Respectfully, although it makes perfect sense to consider your assessments within the context of the metal-nitrogen bond, being iron as you suggest. But have a look at what happens when you change that metal to be aluminium-nitrogen.😐🤔🤐🤐
Are you aware of this? Blood samples that show large numbers of white cells on the edges of the slide now 3 months old. They dont degrade. Un injected individual thats me. You have my permission to use any info or pics on my substack. See my last substack. RR
According to Dr. David Nixon and Karl C. all blood is contaminated. They have tested water, food, and injectables like lidocaine and insulin and it is contaminated. The PCR tests were contaminated (think China) and we used them at least 5 times. Even if we hadn't we take showers, drink and cook with water etc. We bought a RO for the water, but it feels impossible to clean up everything. I'm more inclined to save my own blood as a back up plan, but am not sure how to do that. I would never use safe blood. Too many variables. Jane
Just wonder if more experiments are possible, for example, by looking at plain commercial hemoglobin sample, and then also adding to it some graphene? Typical Raman spectrum of N-doped single-layer graphene in D-mode, appears at approximately 1350 cm-1, and the G-mode appears at approximately 1583 cm-1. The other Raman modes are at 1620 cm-1 (D’- mode), 2680 cm-1 (2D-mode), and 2947 cm-1 (D+G-mode). Any impurities would result in shifting of these values...
So, in case of emergency, where someone needs a blood transfusion, has there been development of a process to clean the blood of donors who have been vaccinated? Or do unvaccinated patients receive vax blood, with all the attendant problems you have shown?
Bonjour, en France il n'y a aucun contrôle, obligé de s'empoisonner mais j'ai entendu parler de l'eau de quinton qui pourrait remplacer les transfusions de sang,si quelqu'un peut m'en dire plus j'en serais ravie. J'ai refusé la transfusion je préfère mourir que d'avoir cette abomination pour mon bien et celui de tous . Courage à tous et gardons la foi .
Thank you for your work. From my on and off reading, Jessica Rose in particular has been able to distinguish and summarize some differences between Moderna and Pfizer shots. I will try to search which posts in particular and share here. Have you broken down results by vax manufacturer in order to compare? If not, do you see any utility in doing so? If not, why not? Are you able to share the size of your sample sets? Also, can you shed any light on the potential impact of shedding, for example comparing single introverts to couples of mixed vax status?
There is a variety of Quantifoil types ... gold, nickel, copper.
On hydrogels, another comment I made: "... Considering the DEFUSE proposal in researching different ways to combat biological weapons, have you considered that this is just another experiment ... using hydrogels for trapping toxins ..." -
Aluminum oxidises on skin contact. Crosses blood brain barrier & is naturally occurring & used in manufacturing many every day items. So concerning is the Aerosal spraying of the skies contamination of the Earth & everything on it. Clif_High has an illuminating (sets fire!) feature on Aluminum & gives detoxing protocol
Can you provide a link?
Is Cynthia at all relevant in your studies?
In May 2010, a team of scientists led by Venter became the first to create successfully what was described as "synthetic life".
Enter Cynthia, a name for one of the many personalities of Artemis, the Greek virgin goddess of the hunt but now a name attributed to a synthetic bacterium.
The single-celled organism contains four identifiers written into its DNA to help trace its descendants. These are:
A code table for entire alphabet with punctuations
The names of 46 contributing scientists
Three quotations
The secret email address for the cell.
"Cynthia is an engineered microbe originally designed to eat oil. In fact, the oil-eating bacterium Pseudomonas putida is the creature which ushered in the whole bio-tech revolution, having been the subject of a watershed court case (Diamond vs Chakrabhati) in the Supreme Court of the United States in 1980, in which Justice Warren E Burger ruled that a living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a ‘manufacture’ or ‘composition of matter’ within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952. The multi-plasmid hydrocarbon-consuming Pseudomonas was the first patented organism in the world." ~ quoted from my Substack:
Hi Frances,
I have heard of the creation, but have no direct experience with it. I regard it as 100% relevant, and hopefully others will as well. Thanks much, from Clifford
Hi Clifford. Thank you for seeking and sharing truth.
Will you at some point address what happens if the need for a blood transfusion arises? Are you aware if any effort has been made to keep vaxxed and unvaxxed blood donations separate? To admit the need, of course, would mean admitting THE PROBLEM. But I'm curious!! Thank you!!
Detailed and succinct as always Clifford. Respectfully, although it makes perfect sense to consider your assessments within the context of the metal-nitrogen bond, being iron as you suggest. But have a look at what happens when you change that metal to be aluminium-nitrogen.😐🤔🤐🤐
Specifically, nitrogen-doped alumina, aluminum hydrides, aluminum hydrazine complexes.....🤔😐
that fall from the chem trails....all around America.
Not just around America but around the globe, we are all getting sprayed from chem trails.
Thank you so very much for your work and for sharing it with us🌹
Hello Clifford,
Are you aware of this? Blood samples that show large numbers of white cells on the edges of the slide now 3 months old. They dont degrade. Un injected individual thats me. You have my permission to use any info or pics on my substack. See my last substack. RR
Thank you for the report. Please let anyone know about the Safe Blood initiative:
According to Dr. David Nixon and Karl C. all blood is contaminated. They have tested water, food, and injectables like lidocaine and insulin and it is contaminated. The PCR tests were contaminated (think China) and we used them at least 5 times. Even if we hadn't we take showers, drink and cook with water etc. We bought a RO for the water, but it feels impossible to clean up everything. I'm more inclined to save my own blood as a back up plan, but am not sure how to do that. I would never use safe blood. Too many variables. Jane
Thank you for sharing this!!! I'm researching now.
Just wonder if more experiments are possible, for example, by looking at plain commercial hemoglobin sample, and then also adding to it some graphene? Typical Raman spectrum of N-doped single-layer graphene in D-mode, appears at approximately 1350 cm-1, and the G-mode appears at approximately 1583 cm-1. The other Raman modes are at 1620 cm-1 (D’- mode), 2680 cm-1 (2D-mode), and 2947 cm-1 (D+G-mode). Any impurities would result in shifting of these values...
ya what he said.
Great information. Amazing how more intelligent conspiracy theory gets by the New York minute.
So, in case of emergency, where someone needs a blood transfusion, has there been development of a process to clean the blood of donors who have been vaccinated? Or do unvaccinated patients receive vax blood, with all the attendant problems you have shown?
Bonjour, en France il n'y a aucun contrôle, obligé de s'empoisonner mais j'ai entendu parler de l'eau de quinton qui pourrait remplacer les transfusions de sang,si quelqu'un peut m'en dire plus j'en serais ravie. J'ai refusé la transfusion je préfère mourir que d'avoir cette abomination pour mon bien et celui de tous . Courage à tous et gardons la foi .
Excellent work and much appreciated.
Very grateful for your dedication
Thank you!
Morgellons… comes to mind. The clots.
Rise of the Liguid Metal Science, Technology and Industry: Advancements and Opportunities-
Thank you for your work. From my on and off reading, Jessica Rose in particular has been able to distinguish and summarize some differences between Moderna and Pfizer shots. I will try to search which posts in particular and share here. Have you broken down results by vax manufacturer in order to compare? If not, do you see any utility in doing so? If not, why not? Are you able to share the size of your sample sets? Also, can you shed any light on the potential impact of shedding, for example comparing single introverts to couples of mixed vax status?
With respect to metals, please see my Oct 2023 comment questioning use of Quantifoil: "Synthetic LNP? Quantifoil? Research technology for the new GSK RSV vax Arexvy - QS-21 STIMULON adjuvant" -
Karen Kingston recently posted about Quantifoil.
There is a variety of Quantifoil types ... gold, nickel, copper.
On hydrogels, another comment I made: "... Considering the DEFUSE proposal in researching different ways to combat biological weapons, have you considered that this is just another experiment ... using hydrogels for trapping toxins ..." -
Will you please throw me some current links about shedding? Much appreciated if possible. Your friend Lizzie