Tony sells a device called an anti nano triangle which introduces and electrical current to the human body. Clifford’s paper on Blood alterations III: Transformation clearly indicates that electrical current applied to the body/ blood even at extremely low levels, single digit milliamps can catastrophic damage to the blood and dramatically increases the CDB’s growth rate.
Tony sells a device called an anti nano triangle which introduces and electrical current to the human body. Clifford’s paper on Blood alterations III: Transformation clearly indicates that electrical current applied to the body/ blood even at extremely low levels, single digit milliamps can catastrophic damage to the blood and dramatically increases the CDB’s growth rate.
The Triangle introduces a magnetic pulse to the body -- that's different than introducing an electrical current. And the proof is in the pudding -- a lot of people have fantastic results from the Triangle.
Tony sells a device called an anti nano triangle which introduces and electrical current to the human body. Clifford’s paper on Blood alterations III: Transformation clearly indicates that electrical current applied to the body/ blood even at extremely low levels, single digit milliamps can catastrophic damage to the blood and dramatically increases the CDB’s growth rate.
The Triangle introduces a magnetic pulse to the body -- that's different than introducing an electrical current. And the proof is in the pudding -- a lot of people have fantastic results from the Triangle.