Readers that bring antagonism into this stack will be removed. No time for it anymore. Best regards, CEC

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Clifford, made some comments on here. More from field of bioenergetics and also chemical engineering perspective. When you get some time parse through the comments as they may provide insight further from a different perspective. Take care.

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Does this mean we should NOT be using Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS)? As it's made from an acid? Or drink Apple Cider Vinegar? Of any other acidic things? Like lemons, etc.

I realize I may be being too basic, but a stupid question is better answered than left unasked.

Thank you for all your work.

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Its counter intuitive lemons are acidic, the high mineral content lemons contain make it alkalizing for human diet.

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Like the Ash content of apple cider vinegar.

A compound being metabolised =\= injected into the system.

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I understand that lemons are excellent and have a good ph. Different than all other fruits.

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CDS is an oxidant which acts as an antioxidant because of a voltage factor according to Andreas Kalker. I guess that the result of the chemical reactions the OH- induce when coming into contact with anaerobic pathological processes in the body (infections, cancer) may not only rectify that but also raise the overall PH. Don't take my word for it, but this is how I picture it for now

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No, because CDS produces oxygen, which alkalizes the blood.

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Here is my guide for eating a more alkalizing diet.

Be moderate with the ACV or lemon juice but it helps stomach acid. Eat a bit with meals for older adults. We make less stomach acid as we age. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g4a3qfd2sj3fbcu/Alkalizing%20Foods%20%283%29.pdf?dl=0

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I’m pretty sure that Clifford has gone on the record to state that chlorine dioxide is not good for us. I read it in one of his many papers. If anyone can confirm or deny this please do so. Regards

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Thank you. I thought so as well, but can't place which paper...

I hope someone will point me in the direction of the specific paper.

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So, I am with you.. is it ok to use CDS?

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I think I've worded my question in a way Clifford won't answer since he's made it clear he isn't in the business of prescribing protocols, only results from his experiments.

I've been using CDS for over 4 weeks - 8 doses a day. In the 4th week, my stomach began having troubles, nausea and diarrhea, so I cut back on the doses and number of drops per dose (3 drops per solution down to 2 drops per). My stomach still had problems. Now in the 5th week, I have suspended taking it until my stomach has some time to settle.

My theory on this is that it kills everything including good bacteria and that caused the problems, but Idk for sure.

There were positive results. I could feel the extra oxygen it provides to other cells in additional strength in my muscles. I have Morgellons/CDB and it seems they are dying off on the surface of my skin more easily than prior to using CDS.

That's all I know for now. I hope I do get a definitive answer on whether CDS is beneficial or harmful.

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If you felt ill it's becAuse you were having a herxheimer reaction. Killing of pathogens too quickly

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This is untrue.

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It only destroys the bad stuff.

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This is also untrue.

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I couldn't agree more about the solution needing to be at a cost that everyone can afford as most are already feeling the effects of what they have done over the past few years.

My blood looked best when I was eating a pineapple a day for a while. Took a few weeks before I saw the biggest difference. I said at the time I thought it was about the ph effect but didn't understand the science behind it other than I'd heard that when you eat acid it causes an alkaline reaction in the guts. Back on the pineapples and peeing on a ph stick for me, so I know if what I heard was true.

Seems we are making some progress on a few fronts now and feeling quite positive. There is more good news coming in the next few days too.

Thank You Clifford.

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The pineapple has bromelain in it, it is an anti-fibrolytic. Per FLCCC Alliance there is a stack of anti-fibrolytics that help to degrade proteins in stomach and bloodstream, which also include nattokinase, serrapeptase and lumbrokinase. Also, papaya extract has anti-fibrolytic properties.

Fasting is also more important now than it was before. Everything changed when these large ELF psionic transmitters went online and the only way to counter the derogatory health effects from those units (latest one was put online by ChinaCCP) is to oscillate cells at higher frequency (e.g. Lakhovsky's work).

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Hi Matt!! So should I buy myself some pineapple!??

I have a green powder that makes the body alkaline. I can take that as well.

I just read your stack on the green laser. So glad we are making progress thanks to you, Clifford , Karl & others.


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May it be important to monitor your ph and take Alkaline substances like sodium bicarbonate daily as a prophylactic?

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20 Mule Team Borax is even more alkaline than baking soda and has a toxicity similar to table salt

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I use borax for foot bath/wash, skin absorbs it into body circulatory system that way. using warm water.

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.thank you ...now to dig in and decide exactly what to do to mitigate, or as you say "terminate."

as you said:

"You can't fight, if you're sick. You can't perform, you can't object, you can't do anything...if you're sick."

"We need to fight for our survival."

Since just about every detox protocol has been like grabbing at straws and walking through a Mind Field, I hope you will give us some quick advice and guidance...just in case the Apoc-eclipse gives the monsters cover for shutting comms down...?

To try or not to try...

CDS? Zeolite? Baking soda? AC Vinegar? MasterPeace? Everything and anything to alkalize our systems?

And I thought you might find this interesting...about black goo? Brad Olsen's podcast and how the BG might relate to morgs...if you have time, go in on the vid @57:30...possibly a connection between the black goo and morgs.


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Harry Blazer’s interviews with Clifford are the best. Harry did his homework so knew the right questions to ask.

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So does creating a more alkaline environment in the body mitigate the growth of the CBDs?

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It would help reduce damage from them. Avoid EMF. I recommend pomegranate peel and other strategies. My handout on pomegranate, older, not topic specific for CDM https://www.dropbox.com/s/1r1r5z826l413ux/Pomegranate%20Benefits%20and%20Preparation.pdf?dl=0

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Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) may be caused by electro-magnetic radiation. Russian scientists discovered that rats subjected to certain frequencies, or combination of frequencies rapidly became host to parasites resulting in extreme obesity, diabetes, cancer and all the disorders mentioned by Clifford Carnicom in his paper. This has been known since 1972 by US Military.


Russian studies were translated to English and classified. However, there is a book, written by the top expert on EMFs which you can download in pdf form. It is included at the end of this article:


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Lakhovsky's work about 100 years ago goes into this as well, on how to counter the lower frequency effect.

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Something to look into and try is 9x Purple bamboo salt. Which is said has an ORP of -300 to -450 thus has antioxidant effects. The salt has a PH of 11. (Sources vary saying 10.5 to 12). Insan 9x Purple bamboo salt. Originally developed by Dr. Kim II-hoon Insan. The salt has been purified through an alchemic process and contains no heavy metals like many other salts do. It's said to neutralise access acid in body. Another thing I found was one of the main thing these 'spikes' from jab and the SynBio do is first target the p53 gene and mutate it in order to replicate, in doing so the mutant P53 assists this process. Phycocyanin (blue spirulina) has been found to inhibit the expression of mutant P53 and reverse mutate mutated p53. While boost natural p53 levels and expression.

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Not to presume but its probably worth noting that metabolism of a compound drastically changes its biological effect and action Worried that people may suddenly see a devil while missing the detail.

Full disclosure- crane operator so take it with a grain of salt.

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Tony Pantalleresco suggests using Paracetic Acid as a way of combating nanotech. Am I correct in understanding that you think this is bad, and that the CBDs already produce this?

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Carnicom’s work contradicts most of what Tony claims is beneficial. Carnicom’s work is light years ahead of anyone else’s. Decide for yourself based on verifiable scientific evidence would be my recommendation. Anyone can make legitimate sounding claims but I do not know of anyone besides Clifford and now Ana Mihalcea that are doing real scientific work in this area.

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I think the thousands of anecdotal reports from people following Tony's work speak for themselves. People get results with his methods. But I also respect Cliff's work. I am not "either/or" minded -- I'm "both/and" minded. My approach is to integrate rather than "choose a side," because that's how I think the best knowledge is gained.

What are the other ways, besides paracetic acid, where Tony's and Cliff's work are contradictory?

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Tony sells a device called an anti nano triangle which introduces and electrical current to the human body. Clifford’s paper on Blood alterations III: Transformation clearly indicates that electrical current applied to the body/ blood even at extremely low levels, single digit milliamps can catastrophic damage to the blood and dramatically increases the CDB’s growth rate.

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The Triangle introduces a magnetic pulse to the body -- that's different than introducing an electrical current. And the proof is in the pudding -- a lot of people have fantastic results from the Triangle.

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Like dissolves like. It’s complex.

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Kathryn, but then that implies that the CBD is producing something that gets rid of itself?

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Well, I just don’t know. I think acids are much easier to buffer than bases which might make these things easier to mitigate. I’m no chemist!

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That’s what it’s sounds like to me as well.

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I have found chlorine dioxide to be very helpful as a sufferer of Morgellons disease. It also seems to help with accelerated aging process. It’s cheap and powerful. Enemas are more effective for below the heart symptoms of inflammation. It is one product in my arsenal for fighting this diabolical thing.

Take note of Clifford’s comment that we must fight this at the beginning. Simplify the equation and focus on interruption. This thing can look way too daunting from the end result. Remember, there is nothing new under the sun, just new combinations of old elements. Keeping this perspective bolsters hope, there are so many medicines that are helpful.

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yes to enemas! Ha Ha they are so awkward, I know- but i have tried EDTA (1/4 tsp.) before bed through the backside (minimal water) just makes sense because it goes straight to blood stream)

Have not tried CD yet

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Hallo Gertie,you tried edta enema?Against what when I am alloud to ask?You get the pulver and mixed it?I ask because you wrote 1/4 tspoon?

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Hi ,


Cornicom ,

My names Mike keyes from australia , Nutritionist, also I am , qualified in Type 2 diabetes, and Gut health management,

Now as I was trained most bacteria are acid loving, why this is so they can get through the low PH of the stomach acid with out death,!

The acid found in the CDB ,s. Could most likely be so that , #1 they can get through the stomach PH , and most likely they breed there, , as some bad bacteria do not need oxygen,

They live on sugar,

So my advice to my self is keeep plenty of good bacteria in the gut over any bad , I do this by making fresh only kimchi from wombok ,

No store brought kimchi, it’s too old because of the pectin/ methanol,

Thanks for all ya work

Also ,

Look out for my up and coming Substack, called 150 years

As people have to go back 150 years and live like that and trust nothing,

Like this week I got some caster oil , check under scope , did not look very good , so it spent 5 hours on the low heat , to modified or kill any thing negative,

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How do you make kimchi? What about store bought sauerkraut?

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Make you own , get a wombok Chinese cabbage, chop it up add a little salt

Pepper, Tiny bit of sugar, the yeast in the wombok then will eat the sugar this makes good beneficial bacteria ,

Leave out the fridge for 10 hours let nature do her work ,

There will be a bit of juice in the bottom. Drink it

It’s full of bacteria, it’s also vinegar, just home made

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What kind of salt please?

HImalayan or Celtic?

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wondering where to get a wombok cabbage?

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Asian style vegetable shop or big supermarket

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This could be a potential game changer not just because of the information itself (which indicates an antidote that is cheap and easily accessible) but also WHO this information comes from.

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Clifford my endless gratitude for your tireless work for the fate of humanity. I’ve been studying and following your work for well over a decade. I’ve read the majority of your papers and watched every interview, movie and presentation that you’ve ever been involved with. I have attempted to read your lab notebooks but was unsuccessful due to legibility.

Once upon a time, I was a volunteer for your Institute. However due to my own health issues at the time, I could not keep up with the demands. It was a my distinct honor nonetheless to have been associated with the institute.

For as long as myself and my children are alive you will be held in the highest of regards within our family.

There is no way I could ever repay the debt that I owe to you other than to be as familiar as I can with your work and tell as many people as I can about your work.

It’s nice to finally see people beginning to become familiar and appreciative of the work you’ve done for the last 25+ years.

You are to independent scientific research, for the benefit of humanity, what John Lennon was to popular music. Your next level my friend.

With unending love and appreciation for what you’ve done.

May your work be remembered for eternity.


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I really hate to say this, because Clifford Carnicom and his work are precious, and this is a side issue, but John Lennon (along with the other Beatles) were satanists, maybe the masonic type-look for old photos, e.g. the “fab four” holding upside down crucifixes, or just look at the cover of Sgt Peppers-I’ve burnt mine, but there should be explanations to the images, look on-line, whatever. Find how people who are famous, and rich, usually become famous and rich!

I don’t mean any offence to you Thru! 🙂

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This article (and all the others) is increadibly important. Thank you with all my heart

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Critical date, 2019 when ChinaCCP turned on their psionic ELF transmitter. The ELF transmitter can gun down entire cities at lower frequency. The lower frequency enables pathogens to grow and develop. This is an interaction with Clifford's work with CDB, which adds complexity, but can be solved (for the lower frequency) by removing your body from the dirty harmonics at lower frequency and learning about Lakhovsky's work to promote cellular health by a forcing function of higher frequency. However, electricity will grow CDB, so the wireless delivery of higher frequencies is key to counteract the ELF harmonics from ChinaCCP psionic ELF (world's largest, gunning down everyone). Hope this helps from a different perspective, yet complimentary (e.g. field of bioenergetics and chemical engineering w/bio interactions).

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