yes to enemas! Ha Ha they are so awkward, I know- but i have tried EDTA (1/4 tsp.) before bed through the backside (minimal water) just makes sense because it goes straight to blood stream)
yes to enemas! Ha Ha they are so awkward, I know- but i have tried EDTA (1/4 tsp.) before bed through the backside (minimal water) just makes sense because it goes straight to blood stream)
yes to enemas! Ha Ha they are so awkward, I know- but i have tried EDTA (1/4 tsp.) before bed through the backside (minimal water) just makes sense because it goes straight to blood stream)
Have not tried CD yet
Hallo Gertie,you tried edta enema?Against what when I am alloud to ask?You get the pulver and mixed it?I ask because you wrote 1/4 tspoon?