I don't think anyone who truly knows or understands anything close to what you, Carnicom, know and understand sees our situation as a plight of humanity. Having some experience with this kind of mind control, I believe "They" believe they are SERVING humanity and see no reason to assist you in stopping what "They" are doing.

"They" believe transhumanism is the only answer and one "They" themselves are embracing for themselves and their generations.

This is what is biblically referred to as the time when bitter will be tasted as sweet and sweet will be tasted as bitter. A complete and utter submission to evil for good.

Thank you for trying. God Bless.

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I feel ya, amigo ... just published a piece regarding the idiots in charge starting a possible nuclear apocalypse ... and got one comment. Marshmallows anyone?

Keep firing my friend. ~~ j ~~

"We will win ... because we must!"

~~ Bob Marley

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Fair to say if You are here, you're being shadow banned > I take a bit of solace knowing that at least I'm adding my narrative to the ether regardless of White Collar Criminals who continue censoring most effective Humanitarian's...those who are directly over the target.

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Yeah, good point. With increasing numbers of us over the target, perhaps eventually we shall prevail. Thanks for the comment! ~~ j ~~

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25 Years later & still, here We are... smh!

There are no words I can use to express my sincere gratitude for Your efforts Clifford > my heart aches, as I know yours does for Future Generations who will never know what is like to be a Pureblood, at least not nearly as pure as Ours once was.

I am so very grateful for Our Friendship and continue to pray the day will come when Your science receives the support and recognition it is most deserving of.

In unwavering solidarity & support

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And in return, Apologetic Yankee, for your steadfast and continuous support for our mutual efforts. CEC

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If "It is best to attack a problem at its origin", wouldn't it be best to first attack the fraudulent germ and virus theories themselves?

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Makes me want to cry. Zero....

I appreciate you Clifford. So very much. Thank you. Keep asking. Don't give up.

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Hello Clifford, I have been doing your Claims in vitro Carnicom Institute Patent March 31, 2016 in vivo since December 2023. More should know abut this patent and what we are going to do about this nefarious situation NOW. Gratitude RR

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The Spanish group has expressed interest in collaboration in the second topic of this TCTL post.


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The fundamental problem = the deliberately constructed paradigm that is not fit for its stated purpose + the greed and other horrific agendas that are behind both its existence and its continuity. (Oh, and April 30th is likely the date you meant.. )

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