What you do must be incredibly threatening in some way to them. So sorry you have been “rewarded” with harassment for all your goodly efforts. The evil beast never sleeps but the Good don’t either. Prayers for you and your organization to continue to “sanitize with sunlight” the dark deeds of those who mean us harm.

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With you in prayer.

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Is this a block affecting substack? I have noticed comments are getting slowed down, possibly because of AI. Like buttons are sometimes not functional.

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What happened exactly? Can you provide more details please about the nature of the block?

Also, I would caution against using Proton for email (or VPN for that matter) as the company appears to have some nefarious connections.

Here are two options that are better based on my research:


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This problem with specific parties emerged during the arrangement of an interview. It remains in place.

My best regards to you, from Clifford

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Same to you Clifford.

Is there anything at all I can help with (like assisting with the migration to a new email service)?

I'll be more than happy to!

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Thanks for this research Michael! I strongly suggest everyone looks here, it’s a must!

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"some nefarious connections" Explain, please.

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WEF partner/ recommendation. Discussed in the link I shared above.

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Additionally, most people don't know that all traffic goes not only to the Five Eyes but also to a Sixth Eye, which is the Second Eye in reality, ISrahell's Satanyahu claims.

A bit off topic, in the video I heard this quote, Satanyahu talked also about sanctions against ISrahell. He said: "They block us? WE BLOCK THEM!"

Think about that when you see how the West supports the ISrahelli genocide and their wars since more than 75 years. If they would say "Stop it", the consequences would be devastating as the world most dangereous terrorist state ISrahell controls nearly the entire internet and most computer software (Windows = spyware, "Anti"-Virus software = spyware) and even hardware (SnapDragon = mother of all backdoors).

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Interesting! Which video do you mean? I’d love more info on this if you have more, please!

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It was one of the many Brendon O'Connell videos, but which one… hm… If I remember it again, I will add it.

Brendon O'Connell - https://altcensored.com/channel/UCDtDeNQhWST7EnDtx-DSfug

Brendon O'Connell - https://rumble.com/user/Unit8200/videos


7. NSO GROUP PEGASUS | ISRAEL & UNIT 8200 TAKE OVER NEW YORK & PENTAGON - https://altcensored.com/watch?v=a8mHCo5k_UY

ISRAEL’S MOST POWERFUL SECRET WEAPON: THE TALPIOT PROGRAM & UNIT 8200 - https://stateofthenation.co/?p=232038

HOW ISRAEL KILL SWITCHED THE PLANETS CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE - https://rumble.com/v42uk9h-how-israel-kill-switched-the-planets-critical-infrastructure.html

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Thanks for all this! I won’t have time to watch them all, but will try to watch a couple. Thanks coronistan!

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I pray all is well in the Carnicom camp. Thanks for letting us know though I'm not sure I know what it means.

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Screwing with email accounts is one of many ways I have been harassed over the last twenty years. There is a large toolbox full of things THEY will do just to let you know they are watching and cause inconvenience. They will even use 3rd parties like Amazon for these campaigns. I've seen it all believe me.

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I know exactly what you mean. It's happened to me as well. There are no limits to harassments, especially this petty and infuriating kind.

I was notified by someone here on substack that this had happened and the person was alarmed because another stack like Carnicom, looking into the tech, is going to limit comments to paid subscribers only, which was upsetting to the person who notified me.

I'm sorry Clifford has to put up with this crap, but I know it's not his first rodeo. I've gotta say, Substack is getting weird as well. IDK.

I feel like we are passing over some rubicon or another.

There are some strange things happening in my world as well. Here and elsewhere.

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What is happening to substack?! I’ve heard that AI came to substack in Dec 2023.

I find that I click post, and it sometimes takes ages for my post to post!

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all my emails from Substack have been blocked since Sunday too (non-Substack emails were not affected.) was wondering if anyone else was affected.

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Everything looks normal on emails from Substack for me. I think they have become very glitchy on top of the actual intentional acts of sabotage and censorship and of course actual customer service is totally none existent.

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Similar electronic harassment experienced here on occasion over the last 14 yrs > not long after I began lobbying in my State in support of Rosalind Peterson's anti Climate Engineering Legislative Language also supported by ZeroGeoengineering.com > no surprise & that the nefarious surveillance continues to this day.

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Ah, Et, what do you mean by “them” using 3rd parties like Amazon-in what way? I’m genuinely wanting to know. Thanks.

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I have had everything imaginable done to me over the last twenty years since I first began to be targeted in 2004. This includes borderline gangstalking activity where they actually come to your house and do things like flip area rugs upside down and stand hammers on end. They want you to notice these things. I have actually read a training manual from this "government program" that got loose online.

The incident with Amazon occurred at the very end of 2021 and went on for several weeks. My driver had never seen anything like it. I had ordered a large quantity of a supplement I was taking at the time and it was about $400 worth. It was not an Amazon warehouse item and was being ordered directly from the manufacturer. Within a day or two I got a notification from Amazon that the shipment was "lost" and they refunded all my money. Then within a couple days after that Amazon began shipping this product to me one or two containers at a time but to crazy, nonsense versions of my name and address and directly from their warehouse in Austin. This continued for weeks until I began actually refusing the shipments. Since they were footing the bill for all this craziness I just watched this clown show go on for about 6 weeks where they sent out about 8 shipments until it stopped. This fit the pattern of past soft harassment campaigns that had often lasted about the same amount of time. After this they waited a few weeks and then began heavily screwing with 2 different mail.com accounts I had. Entirely blocking emails to and from selected parties which is exactly what Mr. Carnicom is saying is happening to him right now.

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Hmm, that’s awful. Thanks for telling me!

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Hi Pirate, how are you going? I’m just going to say what I think it means-the cabal whatever, are getting scared Clifford’s getting to the truth of what “they” are trying to do. So “they” are trying to make things hard for him. It’s pretty obvious, I mean what I just said. So I pray it’s just that.

I’m sure Clifford’s used to adversity, but he can do without that. We in AU want to know the process of what happened, so we can be forewarned and prepared.

When I go out, just usually grocery shopping, just about everytime I see someone from my past, 10 years or more ago. Sometimes they avoid me, sometimes we talk a bit. Whatever. I guess it’s a form of stalking. I don’t worry about it. Who am I going to tell? The corrupt cops? Ha!

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I know what you mean. I have people, not from my past, but strangers driving by my house and slowing down and staring. I just stand there and stare back. It's weird. Other things as well.

People from your distant (enough) past? How strange.

I know it's not the first time Clifford has experienced harassment. He actually has lists of harassments on his website.

I'm doing okay. Thanks for asking. I hope you are well, as well.

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Hi again Pirate, have you had any emails/substack newsletters from Karl C or Matt j.a.o.b. lately? It seems to have been ages since I’ve heard from them!

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Nothing from Karl or Matt or David Nixon. SAM just closed her comment section and had previously published some rather dire articles before closing the comments. I'm concerned about all of them. I've seen Matt's replies in a couple of other people's posts in the last week and meant to ask him what's up, but lost the thread.

Carnicom is under some kind of email harassment and is blocking some people from contacting him.

Substack is getting weirder by the moment. There are many things I'm not getting notifications for and I'm not sure my articles are going out to all subscribers. Likes and comments are weird for many across the board.

That's all I know other than many including me are feeling a strange energy. We all need to stay close to Jesus and keep going.

I hope you are well. God Bless.

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Hi Pirate, I saw SAM has closed comments as you say, but I’ve seen nothing from the others.

I know there have been a lot of problems with substack-I’ve heard since Dec2023, when they introduced AI.

A strange energy-wow! Yes, I’m keeping on keeping on going! Keeping close to Jesus is the best thing I’ve heard in a while, so I will be doing this!

I am well, thanks, and God Bless you too Pirate!

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Yep, I’m fine so far Pirate. Thank you for asking!

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This is very familiar to me. The DOJ asks the FBI to block all websites that they deem non-aligned to the P3 (public private partnership) goals (i.e fascism!).

e.g: https://thecradle.co/ was https://thecradle.org/

https://strategic-culture.su/ was https://strategic-culture.org/

https://www.presstv.ir was https://www.presstv.com/


Just browse those websites to understand why.

.org and .com domains are registered by American companies and the DOJ can ask them any time to shutdown websites that go against the narratives (Rules based order!)

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Thanks for the info... I tried emailing you a while back to invite you on the podcast. Been wanting to and thinking about it (and people recommending) for years.!

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I would also like to know how this block occurred Clifford, please?

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Restacked with the following commentary>

Nefarious censorship tactics have been a significant aspect of the consistent struggle to simply publish the truth > posing incredibly important questions which the power structure refuses to address > of course many said questions look to be rhetorical at this point due to undeniable supporting science released gratis into Public Domain to/for the benefit of Humanity 25 years ago > Nobel deserving science proving the DNA of ALL Life is being altered by what appears to be Transhumanist based endocrine disruptors & neurotoxins

Support > http://CarnicomInstitute.org as if all Life depends on it…because this is most certainly the case.

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Hello Clifford! Thank you for your continuing dedication and courage for many decades. For the last three years, I have been speaking publicly and in my presentations about your work! There are many many people worldwide who have great respect and appreciation for your work, even if you aren't aware of all of us!

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Thank you kindly Pamela and to all that listen to you as well. Your help is equally valuable to me, with my best regards from Clifford

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Hello Clifford, I would also like to thank you for your excellent 2005 documentary 'Aerosol Crimes'. I have been recommending it to many people. Although you made the documentary in 2005, your content is still valid and very useful today. I can hardly even imagine how frustrating it is for you to have reached out to so many official agencies, for advice and analysis of the materials you found, and then to be ignored. Yet many of these agencies, and more, were checking your research findings on your website!

I really appreciate your recent work in the recent 'Carnicom Disclosure Project' with Dr. Carrie Madej, and others.

Your collaboration since 2005 with Elana Freeland has been so valuable to many people, and I am recommending most highly both your work and Elana's. It is good to note that Elana frequently speaks of your outstanding work, and credits you for realizing that geoengineering is multifaceted in intent, for operations far beyond the control of weather events and climate.

I was grateful to see your excellent interview a few months ago with Dr. Ana Mihalcea, when she interviewed the world's leading researchers on exposing the truths about geoengineering, including also Elana Freeland (twice so far), Harald Kautz, Sofia Smallstorm, and Celeste Solum.

Thank you again so much for your decades of intense work and your dedication to helping humanity. With gratitude, Pamela Richardson

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