220 nanometers is also the range where our bodies use amino acids like histidine, converting them to potent detox pathways and EMF protective urocanic acid:
220 nanometers is also the range where our bodies use amino acids like histidine, converting them to potent detox pathways and EMF protective urocanic acid:
220 nm is in the UV range (deep), it is known that UVb attacks Sars-Cov-2 type virus capsids to spill the genetic material.
When you eat vegetables you get copper into your body and that interacts with a peak at 450 nm, which is in visible light spectrum. It bioaccumulates in angeiogenesis type tissues and can be uptaken by synthetic biology, then locally heated via plasmon interaction. Chlorophyls contain the copper. I've done a ton of work with copper as seen here to have this insight: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsaem.2c02226
Please see the NIH link below. Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses have always been associated with the common cold. Viruses are easy to synthesize, all you need is biolaboratory with the proper equipment, can make a virus that does not exist. To do it ethically, you need a BSL-3 or BSL-4 level facility, not a BSL-1 or BSL-2.
The link you provided to the 2016 paper; "Update on Human Rhinovirus and Coronavirus Infections" is a review article I've seen before. There are no control studies or isolation methodologies approaching the rigors of Koch's postulates cited anywhere, therefor no proof of "existence" or "contagion" of any rumored "virus". You may gain a deeper understanding from the essay published by of Dr. Mark Bailey " Farewell to Virology" - http://tinyurl.com/2wnwnhwd
Harold, thank you for the feedback. However, I disgree. One can design a virus here by simply building it from parts in the iGem synthetic biology system. Were you aware of iGem before reading this post? https://parts.igem.org/Main_Page
If you can design it then it's not what epidemiologist, virologists, pharma all who are involved in that profitable industry, which pokes billions of infants, babies & adults and posits as protection and healthcare. A " virus like particle " synthetic, it's an engineered nano particle.
Show us valid scientific evidence of any alleged "virus" being found in any alleged host. If you can do that for a "coronavirus" you can collect 1.5 million Euros from Samuel Eckart.
Brandon, I’m just finding this reply now as I read Cliff’s post. Do you mean to say that copper and chlorophyll help the self-assembly of the nanotech in our bodies? If so, I use a ton of chlorophyll on a daily basis AND I’ve got copper water pipes.
220 nanometers is also the range where our bodies use amino acids like histidine, converting them to potent detox pathways and EMF protective urocanic acid:
Maybe light therapy could hold the key to unraveling the CDB
Great work Clifford
220 nm is in the UV range (deep), it is known that UVb attacks Sars-Cov-2 type virus capsids to spill the genetic material.
When you eat vegetables you get copper into your body and that interacts with a peak at 450 nm, which is in visible light spectrum. It bioaccumulates in angeiogenesis type tissues and can be uptaken by synthetic biology, then locally heated via plasmon interaction. Chlorophyls contain the copper. I've done a ton of work with copper as seen here to have this insight: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsaem.2c02226
But there exists no proof that SARS-Cov-2 virus exists.
Please see the NIH link below. Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses have always been associated with the common cold. Viruses are easy to synthesize, all you need is biolaboratory with the proper equipment, can make a virus that does not exist. To do it ethically, you need a BSL-3 or BSL-4 level facility, not a BSL-1 or BSL-2.
Please kindly educate yourself.
The link you provided to the 2016 paper; "Update on Human Rhinovirus and Coronavirus Infections" is a review article I've seen before. There are no control studies or isolation methodologies approaching the rigors of Koch's postulates cited anywhere, therefor no proof of "existence" or "contagion" of any rumored "virus". You may gain a deeper understanding from the essay published by of Dr. Mark Bailey " Farewell to Virology" - http://tinyurl.com/2wnwnhwd
Harold, thank you for the feedback. However, I disgree. One can design a virus here by simply building it from parts in the iGem synthetic biology system. Were you aware of iGem before reading this post? https://parts.igem.org/Main_Page
If you can design it then it's not what epidemiologist, virologists, pharma all who are involved in that profitable industry, which pokes billions of infants, babies & adults and posits as protection and healthcare. A " virus like particle " synthetic, it's an engineered nano particle.
Show us valid scientific evidence of any alleged "virus" being found in any alleged host. If you can do that for a "coronavirus" you can collect 1.5 million Euros from Samuel Eckart.
Brandon, I’m just finding this reply now as I read Cliff’s post. Do you mean to say that copper and chlorophyll help the self-assembly of the nanotech in our bodies? If so, I use a ton of chlorophyll on a daily basis AND I’ve got copper water pipes.