220 nanometers is also the range where our bodies use amino acids like histidine, converting them to potent detox pathways and EMF protective urocanic acid:
220 nm is in the UV range (deep), it is known that UVb attacks Sars-Cov-2 type virus capsids to spill the genetic material.
When you eat vegetables you get copper into your body and that interacts with a peak at 450 nm, which is in visible light spectrum. It bioaccumulates in angeiogenesis type tissues and can be uptaken by synthetic biology, then locally heated via plasmon interaction. Chlorophyls contain the copper. I've done a ton of work with copper as seen here to have this insight: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsaem.2c02226
Please see the NIH link below. Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses have always been associated with the common cold. Viruses are easy to synthesize, all you need is biolaboratory with the proper equipment, can make a virus that does not exist. To do it ethically, you need a BSL-3 or BSL-4 level facility, not a BSL-1 or BSL-2.
The link you provided to the 2016 paper; "Update on Human Rhinovirus and Coronavirus Infections" is a review article I've seen before. There are no control studies or isolation methodologies approaching the rigors of Koch's postulates cited anywhere, therefor no proof of "existence" or "contagion" of any rumored "virus". You may gain a deeper understanding from the essay published by of Dr. Mark Bailey " Farewell to Virology" - http://tinyurl.com/2wnwnhwd
Harold, thank you for the feedback. However, I disgree. One can design a virus here by simply building it from parts in the iGem synthetic biology system. Were you aware of iGem before reading this post? https://parts.igem.org/Main_Page
If you can design it then it's not what epidemiologist, virologists, pharma all who are involved in that profitable industry, which pokes billions of infants, babies & adults and posits as protection and healthcare. A " virus like particle " synthetic, it's an engineered nano particle.
Show us valid scientific evidence of any alleged "virus" being found in any alleged host. If you can do that for a "coronavirus" you can collect 1.5 million Euros from Samuel Eckart.
Brandon, I’m just finding this reply now as I read Cliff’s post. Do you mean to say that copper and chlorophyll help the self-assembly of the nanotech in our bodies? If so, I use a ton of chlorophyll on a daily basis AND I’ve got copper water pipes.
Clifford, regarding the anit-fibrolytics (enzymes) used. I've used the following per FLCCC Alliance Protocol (nattokinase, serapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and papya seed extract) - are there others that this study has input to determine the result?
Is this, at least in part, why they're actively sun blocking us now? Almost every day here in this part of Sweden the sun is blocked, if not by the thin mucky haze that lessens it's intensity, then totally with a thick corrugated HAARP blanket. I'm wondering if "simple" sunlight, the thing they've spent generations warning us against and telling us to cover up from, might be beneficial?
Same thing happening in SE Australia. They’re trying to stop us getting vit D3 from sun, and also stop crops growing properly.
The sunblock products we’ve been told to use for decades are toxic, except maybe zinc cream.(Not sure about that). It’s healthy to be in the sun(except for those who can’t tolerate it), but best to build up from short exposure to longer, to avoid getting burnt. That’s if you can “get” the sun!
Same in Townsville North Qld. Oddly of late there have been alternating blue sky with cloudy days.. Makes me wonder if they are trying to lure people outside to expose them to something on the no cloud days?? I have seen people report similar blue skies from various places / countries. The level of haze here is ridiculous.
No one knows yet if any frequencies are safe to use. Clifford is talking about enzymes at this point. Karl C, and David Nixon have found frequencies produced by rife and light actually speed up the productive activity of the nanotech/CDB, though it may be determined with more testing that there are thresholds that will kill it.
Clifford likely won't answer your questions because he doesn't recommend protocols or treatments only findings of his research for people to do with as they may. There are legal reasons for this so don't take it personally. I have asked the same sort of questions and realized why I received no answer.
SAM's Substack is experimenting with light frequencies. You could take a look there.
Karl mentioned enzymes in his latest post (I think...). I'm not sure which enzymes anyone is talking about since they haven't named them yet. I think they will soon. More testing.
I take Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase and have taken Serrapeptase. I hope they're helping.
Hi Everyone, make sure to check the capsules. I have serrapeptase but realised the capsules are made from Hypromellose - hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, a semisynthetic viscoelastic polymer. That was rookie error buying that brand!!! Now I have to decant into gelatin caps.
Thanks for those comments. Fully appreciate them. I have just bought a scope so will now try and find the time to see what works. Yes follow Nixon,Karl C and Sam
Sunlight. I haven't used red light or any other since I assume sunlight is full spectrum.
I had a company where I worked in the sun all day long. I had to give it up because Morgellons/CDB was flourishing over time. I can't stay in sunlight for long now when I have an exposed area like on my face as it has progressed.
Use of a coherent laser (validated and verified to resonate with metals) is what I'm looking into as well as a lot of other researchers with a ligand+metal complex to target harmful pathogens, tissues, etc. inside of the human body.This gets you the penetration. Further, there are most likely harmonics of those nm numbers, but use of massless photons (e.g. light therapy) is preferred over mass bearing electrons. There are also rife frequencies, lakhovsky and scalar within the fields of bioenergetics.
I've had Morgellons/CDB for twenty years and I know from practical experience it reacts unfavorably to metals as well as sunlight. I haven't calibrated the metal or sunlight exposures. I only know what happens and how the organisms flourish and reproduce rapidly under the influences of metals and sunlight. So...that's my two cents if useful.
Research has shown that "morgellons/CDB" is formed with only three key ingredients: iron (Fe), hydrogen peroxide H2O2 and water. This is from Clifford's work at Carnicom Institute.
Research further shows that the use of anti-fibrolytics when combined with a magnetic field (toroid, vortex and vibratory) can remove the morgellons/cdb and even spyware wetware designer bugs based upon morgellon chemistry, but way more advanced.
Hope this information helps from an educational research and experimental perspective.
Sidenote: I don't like ChinaCCP PLA.
Regarding sunlight, having it is important for vitamin synthesis and immune system boosting.
I have found that resonating (vibrating) the synthetic biology with chelators degrades, breaks it up and helps in removal of its' integration within niBMI structures to counter adversarial wetware spy bugs. This is experimental research based work to counter ChinaCCP PLA Xi's "Magic Weapon" spyware nanotechnology designer (morgellons) wetware bugs in the world today.
My background is technical in nature and here are some of my public publications in credible scientific journals:
Clifford has named it CDB - Cross Domain Bacteria. It simply isn't possible that it is accurately named Cross Domain (Animal/Plant/Mineral - that's what cross domain means) Bacteria and be composed of only Iron, Hydrogen Peroxide and Water. Those three in no way reflect the name CDB - Cross Domain Bacteria.
I don't know what you've read but it's very different from what I've read.
As an actual person who has and has had CDB for twenty years I can tell you w/o any hesitation CDB is not composed of Iron, Hydrogen Peroxide and Water.
It is much more complex in structure that that.
Over time it reacts to metal and sunlight unfavorably.
I had a company where I worked outdoors for extended periods during daylight hours. Sometimes in full sun, sometimes in shade, depending. Virtually all seasons and weather conditions.
W/o sunblock. Morgellons/CDB is on my face and there is very little other than coconut oil I can put on it w/o dire pain.
Synthetic soled shoes. High desert altitudes, but lower sometimes as well in the US SW.
Caucasian and Native American. Enough Native to be a card carrying citizen of a Nation.
I had to abandon the company because Morgellons/CDB became so much worse and I finally understood it was sun exposure since it would improve if I refrained from sunlight. But sweat and metals also played a part. I couldn't have any metal touching my skin or Morgellons/CBD would flare dramatically at points of contact while in the sun. The same was true of sweat. Sweat and metal together on skin in the sun was unbelievable.
Does it blister at all? The reason I ask is I had a rash appear the day after I spent a day outside mowing. Mostly down the front of one shin. The closest thing I could find online was a syphilis rash - blistering, slow healing. Am also taking ivermectin and at the time thought maybe it was spirochetes? Now I'm not so sure. Have since had 2 of the same blisters randomly appear on the outer crease of both elbows, almost in the same place. The scars feel hard and plastic, definitely not normal.
365nm light can be used for disinfection, there are scientific articles on this topic. Usually, UV-A is not used for disinfection because of its lower efficiency compared to UV-C.
Those of us that have this technology in abundance, are you saying that this might not work on us. I'm praying for everyone , lots of love and Jesus Christ. I wantvto get the lasers that Sylvia was talking about and am so thankful for all of yall helping mankind.
220 nanometers is also the range where our bodies use amino acids like histidine, converting them to potent detox pathways and EMF protective urocanic acid:
Maybe light therapy could hold the key to unraveling the CDB
Great work Clifford
220 nm is in the UV range (deep), it is known that UVb attacks Sars-Cov-2 type virus capsids to spill the genetic material.
When you eat vegetables you get copper into your body and that interacts with a peak at 450 nm, which is in visible light spectrum. It bioaccumulates in angeiogenesis type tissues and can be uptaken by synthetic biology, then locally heated via plasmon interaction. Chlorophyls contain the copper. I've done a ton of work with copper as seen here to have this insight: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsaem.2c02226
But there exists no proof that SARS-Cov-2 virus exists.
Please see the NIH link below. Rhinoviruses and Coronaviruses have always been associated with the common cold. Viruses are easy to synthesize, all you need is biolaboratory with the proper equipment, can make a virus that does not exist. To do it ethically, you need a BSL-3 or BSL-4 level facility, not a BSL-1 or BSL-2.
Please kindly educate yourself.
The link you provided to the 2016 paper; "Update on Human Rhinovirus and Coronavirus Infections" is a review article I've seen before. There are no control studies or isolation methodologies approaching the rigors of Koch's postulates cited anywhere, therefor no proof of "existence" or "contagion" of any rumored "virus". You may gain a deeper understanding from the essay published by of Dr. Mark Bailey " Farewell to Virology" - http://tinyurl.com/2wnwnhwd
Harold, thank you for the feedback. However, I disgree. One can design a virus here by simply building it from parts in the iGem synthetic biology system. Were you aware of iGem before reading this post? https://parts.igem.org/Main_Page
If you can design it then it's not what epidemiologist, virologists, pharma all who are involved in that profitable industry, which pokes billions of infants, babies & adults and posits as protection and healthcare. A " virus like particle " synthetic, it's an engineered nano particle.
Show us valid scientific evidence of any alleged "virus" being found in any alleged host. If you can do that for a "coronavirus" you can collect 1.5 million Euros from Samuel Eckart.
Brandon, I’m just finding this reply now as I read Cliff’s post. Do you mean to say that copper and chlorophyll help the self-assembly of the nanotech in our bodies? If so, I use a ton of chlorophyll on a daily basis AND I’ve got copper water pipes.
Clifford, regarding the anit-fibrolytics (enzymes) used. I've used the following per FLCCC Alliance Protocol (nattokinase, serapeptase, lumbrokinase, bromelain and papya seed extract) - are there others that this study has input to determine the result?
Is this, at least in part, why they're actively sun blocking us now? Almost every day here in this part of Sweden the sun is blocked, if not by the thin mucky haze that lessens it's intensity, then totally with a thick corrugated HAARP blanket. I'm wondering if "simple" sunlight, the thing they've spent generations warning us against and telling us to cover up from, might be beneficial?
If so, we have a battle on many fronts to fight.
Same thing happening in SE Australia. They’re trying to stop us getting vit D3 from sun, and also stop crops growing properly.
The sunblock products we’ve been told to use for decades are toxic, except maybe zinc cream.(Not sure about that). It’s healthy to be in the sun(except for those who can’t tolerate it), but best to build up from short exposure to longer, to avoid getting burnt. That’s if you can “get” the sun!
Same in Townsville North Qld. Oddly of late there have been alternating blue sky with cloudy days.. Makes me wonder if they are trying to lure people outside to expose them to something on the no cloud days?? I have seen people report similar blue skies from various places / countries. The level of haze here is ridiculous.
Same murky skies over SE Qld. this past week.
I'm just a retired guy with a microscope, but if there is anything I can help with please let me know.
Grateful for your dedication
Thank you, CI. You work is helping us all. God Bless.
People have to clean up there water , tanks with chlorine dioxide, so they have clean water , and sort out there drinking water
And can be used many’s ways ,
So are these frequencies safe to apply over a patch of skin with swallow veins below? What depth is the penetration?
No one knows yet if any frequencies are safe to use. Clifford is talking about enzymes at this point. Karl C, and David Nixon have found frequencies produced by rife and light actually speed up the productive activity of the nanotech/CDB, though it may be determined with more testing that there are thresholds that will kill it.
Clifford likely won't answer your questions because he doesn't recommend protocols or treatments only findings of his research for people to do with as they may. There are legal reasons for this so don't take it personally. I have asked the same sort of questions and realized why I received no answer.
SAM's Substack is experimenting with light frequencies. You could take a look there.
I don't think Karl C & David Nixon have talked about enzymes, have they?
Neprinol has a few different enzymes. Lubrokonase is the most expensive, but effective in certain instances.
Serrapeptase may destroy spider silk as noted to be in the white rubber clots. by Dr Mihalcea
Karl mentioned enzymes in his latest post (I think...). I'm not sure which enzymes anyone is talking about since they haven't named them yet. I think they will soon. More testing.
I take Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase and have taken Serrapeptase. I hope they're helping.
Hi Everyone, make sure to check the capsules. I have serrapeptase but realised the capsules are made from Hypromellose - hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, a semisynthetic viscoelastic polymer. That was rookie error buying that brand!!! Now I have to decant into gelatin caps.
Excellent heads up. Thank you.
Thanks for those comments. Fully appreciate them. I have just bought a scope so will now try and find the time to see what works. Yes follow Nixon,Karl C and Sam
Pirate, what kind of light? Any light? Sunlight? Red light?
Sunlight. I haven't used red light or any other since I assume sunlight is full spectrum.
I had a company where I worked in the sun all day long. I had to give it up because Morgellons/CDB was flourishing over time. I can't stay in sunlight for long now when I have an exposed area like on my face as it has progressed.
Can you supply Sam's link?
A search for SAM's Substack from your page will get you there. The author is Silvia N.
Use of a coherent laser (validated and verified to resonate with metals) is what I'm looking into as well as a lot of other researchers with a ligand+metal complex to target harmful pathogens, tissues, etc. inside of the human body.This gets you the penetration. Further, there are most likely harmonics of those nm numbers, but use of massless photons (e.g. light therapy) is preferred over mass bearing electrons. There are also rife frequencies, lakhovsky and scalar within the fields of bioenergetics.
I've had Morgellons/CDB for twenty years and I know from practical experience it reacts unfavorably to metals as well as sunlight. I haven't calibrated the metal or sunlight exposures. I only know what happens and how the organisms flourish and reproduce rapidly under the influences of metals and sunlight. So...that's my two cents if useful.
Research has shown that "morgellons/CDB" is formed with only three key ingredients: iron (Fe), hydrogen peroxide H2O2 and water. This is from Clifford's work at Carnicom Institute.
Research further shows that the use of anti-fibrolytics when combined with a magnetic field (toroid, vortex and vibratory) can remove the morgellons/cdb and even spyware wetware designer bugs based upon morgellon chemistry, but way more advanced.
Hope this information helps from an educational research and experimental perspective.
Sidenote: I don't like ChinaCCP PLA.
Regarding sunlight, having it is important for vitamin synthesis and immune system boosting.
I have found that resonating (vibrating) the synthetic biology with chelators degrades, breaks it up and helps in removal of its' integration within niBMI structures to counter adversarial wetware spy bugs. This is experimental research based work to counter ChinaCCP PLA Xi's "Magic Weapon" spyware nanotechnology designer (morgellons) wetware bugs in the world today.
My background is technical in nature and here are some of my public publications in credible scientific journals:
Pub #1 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsaem.2c02226
Pub #2 https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/nr/d3nr00561e#!
Pub #3 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33454133/
Clifford has named it CDB - Cross Domain Bacteria. It simply isn't possible that it is accurately named Cross Domain (Animal/Plant/Mineral - that's what cross domain means) Bacteria and be composed of only Iron, Hydrogen Peroxide and Water. Those three in no way reflect the name CDB - Cross Domain Bacteria.
I don't know what you've read but it's very different from what I've read.
As an actual person who has and has had CDB for twenty years I can tell you w/o any hesitation CDB is not composed of Iron, Hydrogen Peroxide and Water.
It is much more complex in structure that that.
Over time it reacts to metal and sunlight unfavorably.
Brandon, would taking H2O2 and iron increase the production of CDB’s?
That's what the science indicates, but studies in vivo would need to be done to confirm. Currently ex-vivo studies indicate this.
I'm sorry for your suffering over the years, and I'm not dismissing it callously, but can you add any more anecdotal info re the sunlight?
What time of day? Time of season? Time of decade?
Sun elevation or longitude/latitude info? Your altitude?
Your exposure time, saturation- wearing what? Sunblock- with/without? Shoes- rubber/leather?
Mitochondrial haploid type, if known? Or if not ethnicity and genetic country/locale of origin?
You can message me if you feel more comfortable with sharing that info.🙏🙏🙏🙏😊
I had a company where I worked outdoors for extended periods during daylight hours. Sometimes in full sun, sometimes in shade, depending. Virtually all seasons and weather conditions.
W/o sunblock. Morgellons/CDB is on my face and there is very little other than coconut oil I can put on it w/o dire pain.
Synthetic soled shoes. High desert altitudes, but lower sometimes as well in the US SW.
Caucasian and Native American. Enough Native to be a card carrying citizen of a Nation.
I had to abandon the company because Morgellons/CDB became so much worse and I finally understood it was sun exposure since it would improve if I refrained from sunlight. But sweat and metals also played a part. I couldn't have any metal touching my skin or Morgellons/CBD would flare dramatically at points of contact while in the sun. The same was true of sweat. Sweat and metal together on skin in the sun was unbelievable.
Hello Pirate,
Does it blister at all? The reason I ask is I had a rash appear the day after I spent a day outside mowing. Mostly down the front of one shin. The closest thing I could find online was a syphilis rash - blistering, slow healing. Am also taking ivermectin and at the time thought maybe it was spirochetes? Now I'm not so sure. Have since had 2 of the same blisters randomly appear on the outer crease of both elbows, almost in the same place. The scars feel hard and plastic, definitely not normal.
19 Restore us, Lord God Almighty;
make your face shine on us,
that we may be saved. Ps 80
365nm light can be used for disinfection, there are scientific articles on this topic. Usually, UV-A is not used for disinfection because of its lower efficiency compared to UV-C.
Stewart, fellow Scotsman. ☺️
Thankyou Clifford for everything you've done.
Silvia is using a 405nn blue laser to speed up the disassembly of the 530-532nm greenlaser signal.
Those of us that have this technology in abundance, are you saying that this might not work on us. I'm praying for everyone , lots of love and Jesus Christ. I wantvto get the lasers that Sylvia was talking about and am so thankful for all of yall helping mankind.
Use a tanning bed. And go into the Sun. Of its light. This is the most easy way.
Maybe what you are interpreting as synthetic is natural disintegration of biologic matter. Wilhelm Reich did these experiments in the 1930's, 40's and 50's and called what you are calling synthetic, "Bions". https://wilhelmreich.gr/en/research/microscopic-research/reich-blood-test-blood-disintegration/. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoDpWHy0Q9U&t=17s