Questions : If iron is being used by these structures should we (the people) be supplementing with iron due to cellular depletion by the CDB? Or is this a bad idea and will only "feed" the CDB?

Thank you so much for your work.

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No idea if it's relevant, but given CDB has been around for a while , it might be - I used to take iron in all sorts of forms (from pharma to herbal remedies). I've had iron issues since birth, as well as a few other seemingly random disturbances in regular blood tests.

I developed a rare form of endometriosis when taking iron pills in my teens. When I stopped the pills in my mid 20s, no more endo. My iron still went up and down of it's own accord, seemingly randomly. I had many docs insist I need to take iron, but I said it only makes me worse off. I don't see doctors anymore, this was years ago. I had one particularly kind doctor at the time who insisted I try one more time. So I had her run a full blood test before I took iron, then another two weeks later. My iron did come up slightly, but my white blood cells crashed hard (along with something else that I don't remember) and I could barely get out bed. I had 'flu' symptoms the whole time I took the iron pills, and crushing fatigue. Within a few days I got my period early and it was very heavy. All resolved when I stopped the iron, except my period never went back to it's usual timing, but the heaviness eased off after a few months. She was shocked and had no explanation for why that happened.

I know two other women (unrelated to me or each other) with severe issues that stem from female hormone imbalances. They are all for iron supplementation as they both also have low iron that comes and goes. I watched them after their last round, they took it together because both their iron dropped at the same time. Within a week they both 'caught the flu' and had period problems. 2 weeks later they were battling waves of fatigue.

These are just my observations. I'm keen to hear what everyone else is experiencing.

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Thank you so much. Your observations are very interesting. I learned.

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Same ques I had. Kind of reminds me of the verse about iron mixing w/ clay. I personally can't take oral iron supplements - I will immediately throw them up. Have no problems w/ iron strong food though.....

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So I’ve noticed in my labs and the labs of my husband and friend, we all have high iron and iron saturation and low TIBC and UIBC, I assume this is in response to iron depletion and it’s a paradoxical response. What’s the best way to counter this? Should we be consuming higher iron foods?

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Amazing work, thank you, always

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